On the Relationship Between Convergence Rates of Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems

Considering iterative sequences that arise when the approximate solution $x_k$ to a numerical problem is updated by $x_{k+1} = x_k+v(x_k)$, where $v$ is a vector field, we derive necessary and sufficient conditions for such discrete methods to converge to a stationary point of $v$ at different Q-rates in terms of the differential properties of $v$ … Read more

An Algorithm for Degenerate Nonlinear Programming with Rapid Local Convergence

The paper describes and analyzes an algorithmic framework for solving nonlinear programming problems in which strict complementarity conditions and constraint qualifications are not necessarily satisfied at a solution. The framework is constructed from three main algorithmic ingredients. The first is any conventional method for nonlinear programming that produces estimates of the Lagrange multipliers at each … Read more

Error bounds and limiting behavior of weighted paths associated with the SDP map ^{1/2}SX^{1/2}$

This paper studies the limiting behavior of weighted infeasible central paths for semidefinite programming obtained from centrality equations of the form $X^{1/2}S X^{1/2} = \nu W$, where $W$ is a fixed positive definite matrix and $\nu>0$ is a parameter, under the assumption that the problem has a strictly complementary primal-dual optimal solution. It is shown … Read more

On the superlinear local convergence of a filter-SQP method

Transition to superlinear local convergence is shown for a modified version of the trust-region filter-SQP method for nonlinear programming introduced by Fletcher, Leyffer, and Toint [8]. Hereby, the original trust-region SQP-steps can be used without an additional second order correction. The main modification consists in using the Lagrangian function value instead of the objective function … Read more

Extension of Quasi-Newton Methods to Mathematical Programs with Complementarity Constraints

Quasi-Newton methods in conjunction with the piecewise sequential quadratic programming are investigated for solving mathematical programming with equilibrium constraints, in particular for problems with complementarity constraints. Local convergence as well as superlinear convergence of these quasi-Newton methods can be established under suitable assumptions. In particular, several well-known quasi-Newton methods such as BFGS and DFP are … Read more

A BFGS-IP algorithm for solving strongly convex optimization problems with feasibility enforced by an exact penalty approach

This paper introduces and analyses a new algorithm for minimizing a convex function subject to a finite number of convex inequality constraints. It is assumed that the Lagrangian of the problem is strongly convex. The algorithm combines interior point methods for dealing with the inequality constraints and quasi-Newton techniques for accelerating the convergence. Feasibility of … Read more