Polyhedral Newton-min algorithms for complementarity problems

The semismooth Newton method is a very efficient approach for computing a zero of a large class of nonsmooth equations. When the initial iterate is sufficiently close to a regular zero and the function is strongly semismooth, the generated sequence converges quadratically to that zero, while the iteration only requires to solve a linear system. … Read more

On the B-differential of the componentwise minimum of two affine vector functions

This paper focuses on the description and computation of the B-differential of the componentwise minimum of two affine vector functions. This issue arises in the reformulation of the linear complementarity problem with the Min C-function. The question has many equivalent formulations and we identify some of them in linear algebra, convex analysis and discrete geometry. … Read more

Exact computation of an error bound for a generalized linear complementarity problem with unique solution

This paper considers a generalized form of the standard linear complementarity problem with unique solution and provides a more precise expression of an upper error bound discovered by Chen and Xiang in 2006. This expression has at least two advantages. It makes possible the exact computation of the error bound factor and it provides a … Read more

An algorithmic characterization of P-matricity II: adjustments, refinements, and validation

The paper “An algorithmic characterization of P-matricity” (SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 34:3 (2013) 904–916, by the same authors as here) implicitly assumes that the iterates generated by the Newton-min algorithm for solving a linear complementarity problem of dimension n, which reads 0 ⩽ x ⊥ (M x + q) ⩾ 0, are … Read more

A lower bound on the iterative complexity of the Harker and Pang globalization technique of the Newton-min algorithm for solving the linear complementarity problem

The plain Newton-min algorithm for solving the linear complementarity problem (LCP) 0 ≤ x ⊥ (Mx+q) ≥ 0 can be viewed as an instance of the plain semismooth Newton method on the equational version min(x,Mx+q) = 0 of the problem. This algorithm converges for any q when M is an M-matrix, but not when it … Read more

Plea for a semidefinite optimization solver in complex numbers

Numerical optimization in complex numbers has drawn much less attention than in real numbers. A widespread opinion is that, since a complex number is a pair of real numbers, the best strategy to solve a complex optimization problem is to transform it into real numbers and to solve the latter by a real number solver. … Read more

On the solution uniqueness characterization in the L1 norm and polyhedral gauge recovery

This paper first proposes another proof of the \textit{necessary and sufficient conditions of solution uniqueness in 1-norm minimization} given recently by H. Zhang, W. Yin, and L. Cheng. The analysis avoids the need of the surjectivity assumption made by these authors and should be mainly appealing by its short length (it can therefore be proposed … Read more

How the augmented Lagrangian algorithm can deal with an infeasible convex quadratic optimization problem

This paper analyses the behavior of the augmented Lagrangian algorithm when it deals with an infeasible convex quadratic optimization problem. It is shown that the algorithm finds a point that, on the one hand, satisfies the constraints shifted by the smallest possible shift that makes them feasible and, on the other hand, minimizes the objective … Read more

Application of the Moment-SOS Approach to Global Optimization of the OPF Problem

Finding a global solution to the optimal power flow (OPF) problem is difficult due to its nonconvexity. A convex relaxation in the form of semidefinite programming (SDP) has attracted much attention lately as it yields a global solution in several practical cases. However, it does not in all cases, and such cases have been documented … Read more

An algorithmic characterization of P-matricity

It is shown that a matrix $M$ is a P-matrix if and only if, whatever is the vector $q$, the Newton-min algorithm does not cycle between two points when it is used to solve the linear complementarity problem $0\leq x\perp (Mx+q)\geq0$. CitationInria research report RR-8004ArticleDownload View PDF