A Fully Adaptive DRO Multistage Framework Based on MDR for Generation Scheduling under Uncertainty

The growing proliferation of wind power into the power grid achieves a low-cost sustainable electricity supply while introducing technical challenges with associated intermittency. This paper proposes a fully adaptive distributionally robust multistage framework based on mixed decision rules (MDR) for generation scheduling under uncertainty to adapt wind power respecting non-anticipativity in quick-start unit status decision … Read more

Payment Mechanisms for Electricity Markets with Uncertain Supply

This paper provides a framework for deriving payment mechanisms for intermittent, flexible and inflexible electricity generators who are dispatched according to the optimal solution of a stochastic program that minimizes the expected cost of generation plus deviation. The first stage corresponds to a pre-commitment decision, and the second stage corresponds to real-time generation that adapts … Read more

Multistage Robust Unit Commitment with Dynamic Uncertainty Sets and Energy Storage

The deep penetration of wind and solar power is a critical component of the future power grid. However, the intermittency and stochasticity of these renewable resources bring significant challenges to the reliable and economic operation of power systems. Motivated by these challenges, we present a multistage adaptive robust optimization model for the unit commitment (UC) … Read more

Scalable Stochastic Optimization of Complex Energy Systems

We present a scalable approach and implementation for solving stochastic programming problems, with application to the optimization of complex energy systems under uncertainty. Stochastic programming is used to make decisions in the present while incorporating a model of uncertainty about future events (scenarios). These problems present serious computational difficulties as the number of scenarios becomes … Read more