Small polygons with large area

A polygon is {\em small} if it has unit diameter. The maximal area of a small polygon with a fixed number of sides $n$ is not known when $n$ is even and $n\geq14$. We determine an improved lower bound for the maximal area of a small $n$-gon for this case. The improvement affects the $1/n^3$ … Read more

Tight bounds on the maximal area of small polygons: Improved Mossinghoff polygons

A small polygon is a polygon of unit diameter. The maximal area of a small polygon with $n=2m$ vertices is not known when $m \ge 7$. In this paper, we construct, for each $n=2m$ and $m\ge 3$, a small $n$-gon whose area is the maximal value of a one-variable function. We show that, for all … Read more

The equilateral small octagon of maximal width

A small polygon is a polygon of unit diameter. The maximal width of an equilateral small polygon with $n=2^s$ vertices is not known when $s \ge 3$. This paper solves the first open case and finds the optimal equilateral small octagon. Its width is approximately $3.24\%$ larger than the width of the regular octagon: $\cos(\pi/8)$. … Read more

Maximal perimeter and maximal width of a convex small polygon

A small polygon is a polygon of unit diameter. The maximal perimeter and the maximal width of a convex small polygon with $n=2^s$ sides are unknown when $s \ge 4$. In this paper, we construct a family of convex small $n$-gons, $n=2^s$ with $s\ge 4$, and show that their perimeters and their widths are within … Read more

Tight bounds on the maximal perimeter of convex equilateral small polygons

A small polygon is a polygon of unit diameter. The maximal perimeter of a convex equilateral small polygon with $n=2^s$ vertices is not known when $s \ge 4$. In this paper, we construct a family of convex equilateral small $n$-gons, $n=2^s$ and $s \ge 4$, and show that their perimeters are within $\pi^4/n^4 + O(1/n^5)$ … Read more

Tight bounds on the maximal perimeter and the maximal width of convex small polygons

A small polygon is a polygon of unit diameter. The maximal perimeter and the maximal width of a convex small polygon with $n=2^s$ vertices are not known when $s \ge 4$. In this paper, we construct a family of convex small $n$-gons, $n=2^s$ and $s\ge 3$, and show that the perimeters and the widths obtained … Read more

Largest small polygons: A sequential convex optimization approach

A small polygon is a polygon of unit diameter. The maximal area of a small polygon with $n=2m$ vertices is not known when $m\ge 7$. Finding the largest small $n$-gon for a given number $n\ge 3$ can be formulated as a nonconvex quadratically constrained quadratic optimization problem. We propose to solve this problem with a … Read more

CONICOPF: Conic relaxations for AC optimal power flow computations

Computational speed and global optimality are key needs for practical algorithms for the optimal power flow problem. Two convex relaxations offer a favorable trade-off between the standard second-order cone and the standard semidefinite relaxations for large-scale meshed networks in terms of optimality gap and computation time: the tight-and-cheap relaxation (TCR) and the quadratic convex relaxation … Read more

Tight-and-cheap conic relaxation for the optimal reactive power dispatch problem

The optimal reactive power dispatch (ORPD) problem is an alternating current optimal power flow (ACOPF) problem where discrete control devices for regulating the reactive power, such as shunt elements and tap changers, are considered. The ORPD problem is modelled as a mixed-integer nonlinear optimization problem and its complexity is increased compared to the ACOPF problem, … Read more

Tight-and-cheap conic relaxation for the AC optimal power flow problem

The classical alternating current optimal power flow problem is highly nonconvex and generally hard to solve. Convex relaxations, in particular semidefinite, second-order cone, convex quadratic, and linear relaxations, have recently attracted significant interest. The semidefinite relaxation is the strongest among them and is exact for many cases. However, the computational efficiency for solving large-scale semidefinite … Read more