Learning to Project in Multi-Objective Binary Linear Programming

In this paper, we investigate the possibility of improving the performance of multi-objective optimization solution approaches using machine learning techniques. Specifically, we focus on multi-objective binary linear programs and employ one of the most effective and recently developed criterion space search algorithms, the so-called KSA, during our study. This algorithm computes all nondominated points of … Read more

Hybrid Rebalancing with Dynamic Hubbing for Free-floating Bike Sharing Using Multi-objective Simulation Optimization

For rebalancing problem of free-floating bike sharing systems, we propose dynamic hubbing (i.e. dynamically determining geofencing areas) and hybrid rebalancing (combining user-based and operator-based strategies) and solve the problem with a novel multi-objective simulation optimization approach. Given historical usage data and real-time bike GPS location information, dynamic geofenced areas (hubs) are determined to encourage users … Read more

MSEA.jl: A Multi-Stage Exact Algorithm for Bi-objective Pure Integer Linear Programming in Julia

We present a new exact method for bi-objective pure integer linear programming, the so-called Multi-Stage Exact Algorithm (MSEA). The method combines several existing exact and approximate algorithms in the literature to compute the entire nondominated frontier of any bi-objective pure integer linear program. Each algorithm available in MSEA has multiple versions in the literature. Hence, … Read more

Best subset selection of factors affecting influenza spread using bi-objective optimization

A typical approach for computing an optimal strategy for non-pharmaceutical interventions during an influenza outbreak is based on statistical ANOVA. In this study, for the first time, we propose to use bi-objective mixed integer linear programming. Our approach employs an existing agent-based simulation model and statistical design of experiments presented in Martinez and Das (2014) … Read more

A New Exact Algorithm to Optimize a Linear Function Over the Set of Efficient Solutions for Bi-objective Mixed Integer Linear Programs

We present the first (criterion space search) algorithm for optimizing a linear function over the set of efficient solutions of bi-objective mixed integer linear programs. The proposed algorithm is developed based on the Triangle Splitting Method (Boland et al. 2015b) which can find a full representation of the nondominated frontier of any bi-objective mixed integer … Read more

FPBH.jl: A Feasibility Pump Based Heuristic for Multi-objective Mixed Integer Linear Programming in Julia

Feasibility pump is one of the successful heuristic solution approaches developed almost a decade ago for computing high-quality feasible solutions of single-objective integer linear programs, and it is implemented in exact commercial solvers such as CPLEX and Gurobi. In this study, we present the first Feasibility Pump Based Heuristic (FPBH) approach for approximately generating nondominated … Read more

Bi-objective autonomous vehicle repositioning problem with travel time uncertainty

We study the problem of repositioning autonomous vehicles in a shared mobility system in order to simultaneously minimize the unsatisfied demand and the total operating cost. We first present a mixed integer linear programming formulation for the deterministic version of the problem, and based on that we develop an extended formulation that is easier to … Read more

A Robust Optimization Approach for Solving Problems in Conservation Planning

In conservation planning, the data related to size, growth and diffusion of populations is sparse, hard to collect and unreliable at best. If and when the data is readily available, it is not of sufficient quantity to construct a probability distribution. In such a scenario, applying deterministic or stochastic approaches to the problems in conservation … Read more

Best subset selection via bi-objective mixed integer linear programming

We study the problem of choosing the best subset of p features in linear regression given n observations. This problem naturally contains two objective functions including minimizing the amount of bias and minimizing the number of predictors. The existing approaches transform the problem into a single-objective optimization problem either by combining the two objectives using … Read more

On the Existence of Ideal Solutions in Multi-objective 0-1 Integer Programs

We study conditions under which the objective functions of a multi-objective 0-1 integer linear program guarantee the existence of an ideal point, meaning the existence of a feasible solution that simultaneously minimizes all objectives. In addition, we study the complexity of recognizing whether a set of objective functions satisfies these conditions: we show that it … Read more