Hyperplane Arrangements with Large Average Diameter

The largest possible average diameter of a bounded cell of a simple hyperplane arrangement is conjectured to be not greater than the dimension. We prove that this conjecture holds in dimension 2, and is asymptotically tight in fixed dimension. We give the exact value of the largest possible average diameter for all simple arrangements in … Read more


The central objective of this paper is to develop a transparent, consistent, self-contained, and stable country risk rating model, closely approximating the country risk ratings provided by Standard and Poor’s (S&P). The models should be non-recursive, i.e., they should not rely on the previous years’ S&P ratings. The selected set of variables includes not only … Read more

A novel elitist multiobjective optimization algorithm: multiobjective extremal optimization

Recently, a general-purpose local-search heuristic method called Extremal Optimization (EO) has been successfully applied to some NP-hard combinatorial optimization problems. This paper presents an investigation on EO with its application in multiobjective optimization and proposes a new novel elitist multiobjective algorithm, called Multiobjective Extremal Optimization (MOEO). In order to extend EO to solve the multiobjective … Read more

Covering models with time-dependent demand

In this paper a covering model for locating facilities with time-dependent demand is introduced. Not only the facility locations, but also the instants at which such facilities become operative, are considered as decision variables in order to determine the maximal-profit decision. Expressed as a mixed nonlinear integer program, structural properties are derived for particular demand … Read more

Computing semidefinite programming lower bounds for the (fractional) chromatic number via block-diagonalization

Recently we investigated in “The operator $\Psi$ for the Chromatic Number of a Graph” hierarchies of semidefinite approximations for the chromatic number $\chi(G)$ of a graph $G$. In particular, we introduced two hierarchies of lower bounds, the `$\psi$’-hierarchy converging to the fractional chromatic number, and the `$\Psi$’-hierarchy converging to the chromatic number of a graph. … Read more

The operator $\Psi$ for the Chromatic Number of a Graph

We investigate hierarchies of semidefinite approximations for the chromatic number $\chi(G)$ of a graph $G$. We introduce an operator $\Psi$ mapping any graph parameter $\beta(G)$, nested between the stability number $\alpha(G)$ and $\chi\left( {\ol G} \right)$, to a new graph parameter $\Psi_\beta(G)$, nested between $\alpha (\ol G)$ and $\chi(G)$; $\Psi_\beta(G)$ is polynomial time computable if … Read more

Simple Explicit Formula for Counting Lattice Points of Polyhedra

Given $z\in C^n$ and $A\in Z^{m\times n}$, we consider the problem of evaluating the counting function $h(y;z):=\sum\{z^x : x \in Z^n; Ax = y, x \geq 0\}$. We provide an explicit expression for $h(y;z)$ as well as an algorithm with possibly numerous but simple computations. In addition, we exhibit finitely many fixed convex cones of … Read more

The wireless network jamming problem

In adversarial environments, disabling the communication capabilities of the enemy is a high priority. We introduce the problem of determining the optimal number and locations for a set of jamming devices in order to neutralize a wireless communication network. This problem is known as the WIRELESS NETWORK JAMMING PROBLEM. We develop several mathematical programming formulations … Read more

Polynomial time algorithms to approximate mixed volumes within a simply exponential factor

We study in this paper randomized algorithms to approximate the mixed volume of well-presented convex compact sets. Our main result is a randomized poly-time algorithm which approximates $V(K_1,…,K_n)$ with multiplicative error $e^n$ and with better rates if the affine dimensions of most of the sets $K_i$ are small.\\ Even such rate is impossible to achieve … Read more

Integer Programming Solution Approach for Inventory-Production-Distribution Problems with Direct Shipments

We construct an integrated multi-period inventory-production-distribution replenishment plan for three-stage supply chains. The supply chain maintains close-relationships with a small group of suppliers, and the nature of the products (bulk, chemical, etc.) makes it more economical to rely upon a direct shipment, full-truck load distribution policy between supply chain nodes. In this paper, we formulate … Read more