On forests, stable sets and polyhedras associated with clique partitions

Let $G=(V,E)$ be a simple graph on $n$ nodes. We show how to construct a partial subgraph $D$ of the line graph of $G$ satisfying the identity: $\overline \chi(G)+\alpha(D)=n$, where $\overline \chi(G)$ denotes the minimum number of cliques in a clique partition of $G$ and $\alpha(D)$ denotes the maximum size of a stable set of … Read more

Survivable Energy Markets

In this paper we present a centralized model for managing, at the same time, the dayahead energy market and the reserve market in order to price through the market, beside energy, the overall cost of reliability and to assure that the power grid survives the failure of any single components, so to avoid extended blackouts. … Read more

Global optimization by continuous GRASP

We introduce a novel global optimization method called Continuous GRASP (C-GRASP) which extends Feo and Resende’s greedy randomized adaptive search procedure (GRASP) from the domain of discrete optimization to that of continuous global optimization. This stochastic local search method is simple to implement, is widely applicable, and does not make use of derivative information, thus … Read more

On the p-median polytope of a special class of graphs

In this paper we consider a well known class of valid inequalities for the p-median and the uncapacitated facility location polytopes, the odd cycle inequalities. It is known that their separation problem is polynomially solvable. We give a new polynomial separation algorithm based on a reduction from the original graph. Then, we define a nontrivial … Read more

The p-median polytope of restricted Y-graphs

We further study the effect of odd cycle inequalities in the description of the polytopes associated with the p-median and uncapacitated facility location problems. We show that the obvious integer linear programming formulation together with the odd cycle inequalities completely describe these polytopes for the class of restricted Y-graphs. This extends our results for the … Read more

Spectral Bounds for Sparse PCA: Exact & Greedy Algorithms

Sparse PCA seeks approximate sparse “eigenvectors” whose projections capture the maximal variance of data. As a cardinality-constrained and non-convex optimization problem, it is NP-hard and yet it is encountered in a wide range of applied fields, from bio-informatics to finance. Recent progress has focused mainly on continuous approximation and convex relaxation of the hard cardinality … Read more

Clique-based facets for the precedence constrained knapsack problem

We consider a knapsack problem with precedence constraints imposed on pairs of items, known as the precedence constrained knapsack problem (PCKP). This problem has applications in management and machine scheduling, and also appears as a subproblem in decomposition techniques for network design and other related problems. We present a new approach for determining facets of … Read more

A pricing problem under Monge property

We study a pricing problem where buyers with non-uniform demand purchase one of many items. Each buyer has a known benefit for each item and purchases the item that gives the largest utility, which is defined to be the difference between the benefit and the price of the item. The optimization problem is to decide … Read more

Dynamic Enumeration of All Mixed Cells

The polyhedral homotopy method, which has been known as a powerful numerical method for computing all isolated zeros of a polynomial system, requires all mixed cells of the support of the system to construct a family of homotopy functions. Finding the mixed cells is formulated in terms of a linear inequality system with an additional … Read more

Finding the best root node strategy for the approximation of the time-indexed bound in min-sum scheduling

We identify the best root node strategy for the approximation of the time-indexed bound in min-sum scheduling by sorting through various options that involve the primal simplex, dual simplex, and barrier methods for linear programming, the network simplex method for network flow problems, and Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition and column generation. Citation Submitted for publication. Article Download … Read more