The heterogeneous multicrew scheduling and routing problem in road restoration

This paper introduces the heterogeneous multicrew scheduling and routing problem (MCSRP) in road restoration. The MCSRP consists of identifying the schedule and route of heterogeneous crews that must perform the restoration of damaged nodes used in the paths to connect a source node to demand nodes in a network affected by extreme events. The objective … Read more

A Branch-and-Check Approach for the Tourist Trip Design Problem with Rich Constraints

The tourist trip design problem is an extension of the orienteering problem applied to tourism. The problem consists in selecting a subset of locations to visit from among a larger set while maximizing the benefit for the tourist. The benefit is given by the sum of the rewards collected at each location visited. We consider … Read more

Measures of Balance in Combinatorial Optimization

The concept of balance plays an important role in many combinatorial optimization problems. Yet there exist various ways of expressing balance, and it is not always obvious how best to achieve it. In this methodology-focused paper, we study three cases where its integration is deficient and analyze the causes of these inadequacies. We examine the … Read more

The ratio-cut polytope and K-means clustering

We introduce the ratio-cut polytope defined as the convex hull of ratio-cut vectors corresponding to all partitions of $n$ points in $\R^m$ into at most $K$ clusters. This polytope is closely related to the convex hull of the feasible region of a number of clustering problems such as K-means clustering and spectral clustering. We study … Read more

ASTS Orientations on Undirected Graphs: Structural analysis and enumeration

All feasible flows in potential-driven networks induce an orientation on the undirected graph underlying the network. Clearly, these orientations must satisfy two conditions: they are acyclic and there are no “dead ends” in the network, i.e. each source requires outgoing flows, each sink requires incoming flows, and each transhipment vertex requires both an incoming and … Read more

Generalized preprocessing techniques for Steiner tree and maximum-weight connected subgraph problems

This article introduces new reduction techniques for the Steiner tree problem in graphs (SPG) and one of its most popular relatives, the maximum-weight connected subgraph problem. Several of the techniques generalize previous results from the literature. In particular, we introduce a generalization of the Steiner bottleneck distance—the arguably most important reduction concept for SPG. While … Read more

Branch-and-Refine for Solving Time-Dependent Problems

One of the standard approaches for solving time-dependent discrete optimization problems, such as the traveling salesman problem with time-windows or the shortest path problem with time-windows, is to derive a so-called time-indexed formulation. If the problem has an underlying structure that can be described by a graph, the time-indexed formulation is usually based on a … Read more

An algorithm for the Microaggregation problem using Column Generation

The field of Statistical Disclosure Control aims at reducing the risk of re-identification of an individual when disseminating data, and it is one of the main concerns of national statistical agencies. Operations Research (OR) techniques were widely used in the past for the protection of tabular data, but not for microdata (i.e., files of individuals … Read more

Linear Programming and Community Detection

The problem of community detection with two equal-sized communities is closely related to the minimum graph bisection problem over certain random graph models. In the stochastic block model distribution over networks with community structure, a well-known semidefinite programming (SDP) relaxation of the minimum bisection problem recovers the underlying communities whenever possible. Motivated by their superior … Read more

Decomposition-based algorithms for the crew scheduling and routing problem in road restoration

The crew scheduling and routing problem (CSRP) consists of determining the best route and schedule for a single crew to repair damaged nodes in a network affected by extreme events. The problem also involves the design of paths to connect a depot to demand nodes that become accessible only after the damaged nodes in these … Read more