Invariance and efficiency of convex representations

We consider two notions for the representations of convex cones: $G$-representation and lifted-$G$-representation. The former represents a convex cone as a slice of another; the latter allows in addition, the usage of auxiliary variables in the representation. We first study the basic properties of these representations. We show that some basic properties of convex cones … Read more

Inherent smoothness of intensity patterns for intensity modulated radiation therapy generated by simultaneous projection algorithms

The efficient delivery of intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) depends on finding optimized beam intensity patterns that produce dose distributions, which meet given constraints for the tumor as well as any critical organs to be spared. Many optimization algorithms that are used for beamlet-based inverse planning are susceptible to large variations of neighboring intensities. Accurately … Read more

A new notion of weighted centers for semidefinite programming

The notion of weighted centers is essential in V-space interior-point algorithms for linear programming. Although there were some successes in generalizing this notion to semidefinite programming via weighted center equations, we still do not have a generalization that preserves two important properties — 1) each choice of weights uniquely determines a pair of primal-dual weighted … Read more

Hyperbolic Programs, and Their Derivative Relaxations

We study the algebraic and facial structures of hyperbolic programs, and examine natural relaxations of hyperbolic programs, the relaxations themselves being hyperbolic programs. Citation TR 1406, School of Operations Research, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, U.S., 3/04 Article Download View Hyperbolic Programs, and Their Derivative Relaxations

Dual Convergence of the Proximal Point Method with Bregman Distances for Linear Programming

In this paper we consider the proximal point method with Bregman distance applied to linear programming problems, and study the dual sequence obtained from the optimal multipliers of the linear constraints of each subproblem. We establish the convergence of this dual sequence, as well as convergence rate results for the primal sequence, for a suitable … Read more

An Efficient Interior-Point Method for Convex Multicriteria Optimization Problems

In multicriteria optimization, several objective functions, conflicting with each other, have to be minimized simultaneously. We propose a new efficient method for approximating the solution set of a multiobjective programming problem, where the objective functions involved are arbitary convex functions and the set of feasible points is convex. The method is based on generating warm-start … Read more

Portfolio Optimization with Stochastic Dominance Constraints

We consider the problem of constructing a portfolio of finitely many assets whose returns are described by a discrete joint distribution. We propose a new portfolio optimization model involving stochastic dominance constraints on the portfolio return. We develop optimality and duality theory for these models. We construct equivalent optimization models with utility functions. Numerical illustration … Read more

When LP is not a good idea – using structure in polyhedral optimization problems

It has been known for almost 50 years that the discrete l_1 approximation problem can be solved effectively by linear programming. However, improved algorithms involve a step which can be interpreted as a line search, and which is not part of the standard LP solution procedures. l_1 provides the simplest example of a class of … Read more

Convergence rate estimates for the gradient differential inclusion

Let f be a lower semi-continuous convex function in a Euclidean space, finite or infinite dimensional. The gradient differential inclusion is a generalized differential equation which requires that -x'(t) be in the subgradient of f at x. It is the continuous versions of the gradient descent method for minimizing f in case f is differentiable, … Read more