Finding the projection of a point onto the intersection of convex sets via projections onto halfspaces

We present a modification of Dykstra’s algorithm which allows us to avoid projections onto general convex sets. Instead, we calculate projections onto either a halfspace or onto the intersection of two halfspaces. Convergence of the algorithm is established and special choices of the halfspaces are proposed. The option to project onto halfspaces instead of general … Read more

On Conically Ordered Convex Programs

In this paper we study a special class of convex optimization problems called {\em conically ordered convex programs}\/ (COCP), where the feasible region is given as the level set of a vector-valued nonlinear mapping, expressed as a nonnegative combination of convex functions. The nonnegativity of the vectors is defined using a pre-described conic ordering. The … Read more

Conic systems and sublinear mappings: equivalent approaches

It is known that linear conic systems are a special case of set-valued sublinear mappings. Hence the latter subsumes the former. In this note we observe that linear conic systems also contain set-valued sublinear mappings as a special case. Consequently, the former also subsumes the latter. CitationOperations Research Letters 32 (2004) pp. 463–467.

LMI approximations for cones of positive semidefinite forms

An interesting recent trend in optimization is the application of semidefinite programming techniques to new classes of optimization problems. In particular, this trend has been successful in showing that under suitable circumstances, polynomial optimization problems can be approximated via a sequence of semidefinite programs. Similar ideas apply to conic optimization over the cone of copositive … Read more

The Lax conjecture is true

In 1958 Lax conjectured that hyperbolic polynomials in three variables are determinants of linear combinations of three symmetric matrices. This conjecture is equivalent to a recent observation of Helton and Vinnikov. CitationDepartment of Mathematics, Simon Fraser University, CanadaArticleDownload View PDF

A spring-embedding approach for the facility layout problem

The facility layout problem is concerned with finding the most efficient arrangement of a given number of departments with unequal area requirements within a facility. The facility layout problem is a hard problem, and therefore, exact solution methods are only feasible for small or greatly restricted problems. In this paper, we propose a spring-embedding approach … Read more

A Conic Programming Approach to Generalized Tchebycheff Inequalities

Consider the problem of finding optimal bounds on the expected value of piece-wise polynomials over all measures with a given set of moments. We show that this problem can be studied within the framework of conic programming. Relying on a key approximation result for conic programming, we show that these bounds can be numerically computed … Read more

Using selective orthonormalization to update the analytic center after the addition of multiple cuts

We study the issue of updating the analytic center after multiple cutting planes have been added through the analytic center of the current polytope in Euclidean n-space. This is an important issue that arises at every `stage’ in a cutting plane algorithm. If q cuts are to be added, with q no larger than n, … Read more

”Cone-Free” Primal-Dual Path-Following and Potential Reduction Polynomial Time Interior-Point Methods

We present a framework for designing and analyzing primal-dual interior-point methods for convex optimization. We assume that a self-concordant barrier for the convex domain of interest and the Legendre transformation of the barrier are both available to us. We directly apply the theory and techniques of interior-point methods to the given good formulation of the … Read more

A D-Induced Duality and Its Applications

This paper attempts to extend the notion of duality for convex cones, by basing it on a pre-described conic ordering and a fixed bilinear mapping. This is an extension of the standard definition of dual cones, in the sense that the {\em nonnegativity}\/ of the inner-product is replaced by a pre-specified conic ordering, defined by … Read more