A reduced duality gaps simplex algorithm for linear programming

In this paper we devise a new version of primal simplex algorithms in which the classical iteration is decomposed two basic operations: the move and the pivot. The move operation decreases the primal objective value and the pivot operation increases the dual objective. We define the condition number of the pivot operation and present a … Read more

Polynomial interior point algorithms for general LCPs

Linear Complementarity Problems ($LCP$s) belong to the class of $\mathbb{NP}$-complete problems. Therefore we can not expect a polynomial time solution method for $LCP$s without requiring some special property of the matrix coefficient matrix. Our aim is to construct some interior point algorithms which, according to the duality theorem in EP form, gives a solution of … Read more

An EP theorem for dual linear complementarity problem

The linear complementarity problem (LCP) belongs to the class of NP-complete problems. Therefore we can not expect a polynomial time solution method for LCPs without requiring some special property of the matrix of the problem. We show that the dual LCP can be solved in polynomial time if the matrix is row sufficient, moreover in … Read more

A conic duality Frank–Wolfe type theorem via exact penalization in quadratic optimization

The famous Frank–Wolfe theorem ensures attainability of the optimal value for quadratic objective functions over a (possibly unbounded) polyhedron if the feasible values are bounded. This theorem does not hold in general for conic programs where linear constraints are replaced by more general convex constraints like positive-semidefiniteness or copositivity conditions, despite the fact that the … Read more

Self-Concordant Barriers for Convex Approximations of Structured Convex Sets

We show how to approximate the feasible region of structured convex optimization problems by a family of convex sets with explicitly given and efficient (if the accuracy of the approximation is moderate) self-concordant barriers. This approach extends the reach of the modern theory of interior-point methods, and lays the foundation for new ways to treat … Read more

The operator $\Psi$ for the Chromatic Number of a Graph

We investigate hierarchies of semidefinite approximations for the chromatic number $\chi(G)$ of a graph $G$. We introduce an operator $\Psi$ mapping any graph parameter $\beta(G)$, nested between the stability number $\alpha(G)$ and $\chi\left( {\ol G} \right)$, to a new graph parameter $\Psi_\beta(G)$, nested between $\alpha (\ol G)$ and $\chi(G)$; $\Psi_\beta(G)$ is polynomial time computable if … Read more

Computing semidefinite programming lower bounds for the (fractional) chromatic number via block-diagonalization

Recently we investigated in “The operator $\Psi$ for the Chromatic Number of a Graph” hierarchies of semidefinite approximations for the chromatic number $\chi(G)$ of a graph $G$. In particular, we introduced two hierarchies of lower bounds, the `$\psi$’-hierarchy converging to the fractional chromatic number, and the `$\Psi$’-hierarchy converging to the chromatic number of a graph. … Read more

Sufficient Conditions for a Real Polynomial to be a Sum of Squares

We provide explicit sufficient conditions for a polynomial $f$ to be a sum of squares (s.o.s.), linear in the coefficients of $f$. All conditions are simple and provide an explicit description of a convex polyhedral subcone of the cone of s.o.s. polynomials of degree at most $2d$. We also provide a simple condition to ensure … Read more

Mehrotra-type predictor-corrector algorithms revisited

Motivated by a numerical example which shows that a feasible version of Mehrotra’s original predictor-corrector algorithm might be inefficient in practice, Salahi et al., proposed a so-called safeguard based variant of the algorithm that enjoys polynomial iteration complexity while its practical efficiency is preserved. In this paper we analyze the same Mehrotra’s algorithm from a … Read more

Constraint Nondegeneracy, Strong Regularity and Nonsingularity in Semidefinite Programming

It is known that the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions of semidefinite programming can be reformulated as a nonsmooth system via the metric projector over the cone of symmetric and positive semidefinite matrices. We show in this paper that the primal and dual constraint nondegeneracies, the strong regularity, the nonsingularity of the B-subdifferential of this nonsmooth system, … Read more