Time Consistency Decisions and Temporal Decomposition of Coherent Risk Functionals

It is well known that most risk measures (risk functionals) are time inconsistent in the following sense: It may happen that today some loss distribution appears to be less risky than another, but looking at the conditional distribution at a later time, the opposite relation holds. In this article we demonstrate that this time inconsistency … Read more

An Exact Algorithm for Quadratic Integer Minimization using Ellipsoidal Relaxations

We propose a branch-and-bound algorithm for minimizing a not necessarily convex quadratic function over integer variables. The algorithm is based on lower bounds computed as continuous minima of the objective function over appropriate ellipsoids. In the nonconvex case, we use ellipsoids enclosing the feasible region of the problem. In spite of the nonconvexity, these minima … Read more

A discrete L-curve for the regularization of ill-posed inverse problems

In many applications, the discretization of continuous ill-posed inverse problems results in discrete ill-posed problems whose solution requires the use of regularization strategies. The L-curve criterium is a popular tool for choosing good regularized solutions, when the data noise norm is not a priori known. In this work, we propose replacing the original ill-posed inverse … Read more

Bilevel optimization problems with vectorvalued objective functions in both levels

Bilevel optimization problems with multivalued objective functions in both levels are first replaced by a problem with a parametric lower level using a convex combination of the lower level objectives. Thus a nonconvex multiobjective bilevel optimization problem arises which is then transformed into a parametric bilevel programming problem. The investigated problem has been considered in … Read more

AINVk: a Class of Approximate Inverse Preconditioners based on Krylov-subspace methods, for Large Indefinite Linear Systems

We propose a class of preconditioners for symmetric linear systems arising from numerical analysis and nonconvex optimization frameworks. Our preconditioners are specifically suited for large indefinite linear systems and may be obtained as by-product of Krylov-subspace solvers, as well as by applying L-BFGS updates. Moreover, our proposal is also suited for the solution of a … Read more

Study of a primal-dual algorithm for equality constrained minimization

The paper proposes a primal-dual algorithm for solving an equality constrained minimization problem. The algorithm is a Newton-like method applied to a sequence of perturbed optimality systems that follow naturally from the quadratic penalty approach. This work is first motivated by the fact that a primal-dual formulation of the quadratic penalty provides a better framework … Read more

Sparse Approximation via Penalty Decomposition Methods

In this paper we consider sparse approximation problems, that is, general $l_0$ minimization problems with the $l_0$-“norm” of a vector being a part of constraints or objective function. In particular, we first study the first-order optimality conditions for these problems. We then propose penalty decomposition (PD) methods for solving them in which a sequence of … Read more

Interior-Point Methods for Nonconvex Nonlinear Programming: Primal-Dual Methods and Cubic Regularization

In this paper, we present a primal-dual interior-point method for solving nonlinear programming problems. It employs a Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) perturbation to the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) matrix to handle indefinite Hessians and a line search to obtain sufficient descent at each iteration. We show that the LM perturbation is equivalent to replacing the Newton step by a … Read more

Scenario Trees – A Process Distance Approach

The approximation of stochastic processes by trees is an important topic in multistage stochastic programming. In this paper we focus on improving the approximation of large trees by smaller (tractable) trees. The quality of the approximation is measured by the nested distance, recently introduced in [Pflug]. The nested distance is derived from the Wasserstein distance. … Read more

An Alternating Direction Method for Chance-Constrained Optimization Problems with Discrete Distributions

We consider a chance-constrained optimization problem (CCOP), where the random variables follow finite discrete distributions. The problem is in general nonconvex and can be reformulated as a mixed-integer program. By exploiting the special structure of the probabilistic constraint, we propose an alternating direction method for finding suboptimal solutions of CCOP. At each iteration, this method … Read more