In this paper we present a variant of the conjugate gradient (CG) algorithm in which we invoke a subspace minimization subproblem on each iteration. We call this algorithm CGSO for “conjugate gradient with subspace optimization”. It is related to earlier work by Nemirovsky and Yudin. We apply the algorithm to solve unconstrained strictly convex problems. … Read more

Smoothing SQP Algorithm for Non-Lipschitz Optimization with Complexity Analysis

In this paper, we propose a smoothing sequential quadratic programming (SSQP) algorithm for solving a class of nonsmooth nonconvex, perhaps even non-Lipschitz minimization problems, which has wide applications in statistics and sparse reconstruction. At each step, the SSQP algorithm solves a strongly convex quadratic minimization problem with a diagonal Hessian matrix, which has a simple … Read more

Globally Convergent Evolution Strategies and CMA-ES

In this paper we show how to modify a large class of evolution strategies (ES) to rigorously achieve a form of global convergence, meaning convergence to stationary points independently of the starting point. The type of ES under consideration recombine the parents by means of a weighted sum, around which the offsprings are computed by … Read more

Smoothing and Worst Case Complexity for Direct-Search Methods in Non-Smooth Optimization

For smooth objective functions it has been shown that the worst case cost of direct-search methods is of the same order as the one of steepest descent, when measured in number of iterations to achieve a certain threshold of stationarity. Motivated by the lack of such a result in the non-smooth case, we propose, analyze, … Read more

Modifications of the limited-memory BNS method for better satisfaction of previous quasi-Newton conditions

Several modifications of the limited-memory variable metric BNS method for large scale unconstrained optimization are proposed, which consist in corrections (derived from the idea of conjugate directions) of the used di®erence vectors to improve satisfaction of previous quasi-Newton conditions, utilizing information from previous or subsequent iterations. In case of quadratic objective functions, conjugacy of all … Read more

A new family of high order directions for unconstrained optimization inspired by Chebyshev and Shamanskii methods

The 1669-1670 Newton-Raphson’s method is still used to solve equations systems and unconstrained optimization problems. Since this method, some other algorithms inspired by Newton’s have been proposed: in 1839 Chebyshev developped a high order cubical convergence algorithm, and in 1967 Shamanskii proposed an acceleration of Newton’s method. By considering a Newton-type methods as displacement directions, … Read more

Sobolev Seminorm of Quadratic Functions with Applications to Derivative-Free Optimization

This paper studies the $H^1$ Sobolev seminorm of quadratic functions. The research is motivated by the least-norm interpolation that is widely used in derivative-free optimization. We express the $H^1$ seminorm of a quadratic function explicitly in terms of the Hessian and the gradient when the underlying domain is a ball. The seminorm gives new insights … Read more

A globally and R-linearly convergent hybrid HS and PRP method and its inexact version with applications

A hybrid HS and PRP type conjugate gradient method for smooth optimization is presented, which reduces to the classical RPR or HS method if exact linear search is used and converges globally and R-linearly for nonconvex functions with an inexact backtracking line search under standard assumption. An inexact version of the proposed method which admits … Read more

Sensitivity analysis for two-level value functions with applications to bilevel programming

This paper contributes to a deeper understanding of the link between a now conventional framework in hierarchical optimization spread under the name of the optimistic bilevel problem and its initial more dicult formulation that we call here the original optimistic bilevel optimization problem. It follows from this research that, although the process of deriving necessary … Read more

Conjugate gradient methods based on secant conditions that generate descent search directions for unconstrained optimization

Conjugate gradient methods have been paid attention to, because they can be directly applied to large-scale unconstrained optimization problems. In order to incorporate second order information of the objective function into conjugate gradient methods, Dai and Liao (2001) proposed a conjugate gradient method based on the secant condition. However, their method does not necessarily generate … Read more