Support Vector Machine via Sequential Subspace Optimization

We present an optimization engine for large scale pattern recognition using Support Vector Machine (SVM). Our treatment is based on conversion of soft-margin SVM constrained optimization problem to an unconstrained form, and solving it using newly developed Sequential Subspace Optimization (SESOP) method. SESOP is a general tool for large-scale smooth unconstrained optimization. At each iteration … Read more

A New Low Rank Quasi-Newton Update Scheme for Nonlinear Programming

A new quasi-Newton scheme for updating a low rank positive semi-definite Hessian approximation is described, primarily for use in sequential quadratic programming methods for nonlinear programming. Where possible the symmetric rank one update formula is used, but when this is not possible a new rank two update is used, which is not in the Broyden … Read more

An Extension of the Conjugate Directions Method With Orthogonalization to Large-Scale Problems With Bound Constraints

In our reports on GAMM-04 and ECCOMAS-04 there has been presented a new conjugate directions method for large scale unconstrained minimization problems. High efficiency of this method is ensured by employing an orthogonalization procedure: when constructing the next conjugate vector the component of the gradient is used that is orthogonal to the subspace of preceding … Read more

On the convergence rate of the Cauchy algorithm in the l2 norm

This paper presents a convergence rate for the sequence generated by the Cauchy algorithm. The method is applied to a convex quadratic function with exact line search. Instead of using the norm induced by the hessian matrix, the q-linear convergence is shown for the l2 (or Euclidean) norm. Citation Tecnhical Report, Dep. Mathematics, Federal University … Read more

Variable metric method for minimization of partially separable nonsmooth functions.

In this report, we propose a new partitioned variable metric method for minimization of nonsmooth partially separable functions. After a short introduction, the complete algorithm is introduced and some implementation details are given. We prove that this algorithm is globally convergent under standard mild assumptions. Computational experiments given confirm efficiency and robustness of the new … Read more


This note, attempts to further Pan’s second-order quasi-Newton methods(\cite{panqn}). To complement the numerical implementation, the linear convergence of a rank-one second-order update and the least change property are presented. Citation 1,Department of Mathematics, Southeast University, Nanjing, 210096, P.R.China.

A generating set search method exploiting curvature and sparsity

Generating Set Search method are one of the few alternatives for optimising high fidelity functions with numerical noise. These methods are usually only efficient when the number of variables is relatively small. This paper presents a modification to an existing Generating Set Search method, which makes it aware of the sparsity structure of the Hessian. … Read more

Finding optimal algorithmic parameters using a mesh adaptive direct search

The objectives of this paper are twofold; we first demonstrate the flexibility of the mesh adaptive direct search (MADS) in identifying locally optimal algorithmic parameters. This is done by devising a general framework for parameter tuning. The framework makes provision for surrogate objectives. Parameters are sought so as to minimize some measure of performance of … Read more

A shifted Steihaug-Toint method for computing a trust-region step.

Trust-region methods are very convenient in connection with the Newton method for unconstrained optimization. The More-Sorensen direct method and the Steihaug-Toint iterative method are most commonly used for solving trust-region subproblems. We propose a method which combines both of these approaches. Using the small-size Lanczos matrix, we apply the More-Sorensen method to a small-size trust-region … Read more