An exact tree projection algorithm for wavelets

We propose a dynamic programming algorithm for projection onto wavelet tree structures. In contrast to other recently proposed algorithms which only give approximate tree projections for a given sparsity, our algorithm is guaranteed to calculate the projection exactly. We also prove that our algorithm has O(Nk) complexity, where N is the signal dimension and k … Read more

Lot Sizing with Piecewise Concave Production Costs

We study the lot-sizing problem with piecewise concave production costs and concave holding costs. This problem is a generalization of the lot-sizing problem with quantity discounts, minimum order quantities, capacities, overloading, subcontracting or a combination of these. We develop a dynamic programming (DP) algorithm to solve this problem and answer an open question in the … Read more

Equivalence of an Approximate Linear Programming Bound with the Held-Karp Bound for the Traveling Salesman Problem

We consider two linear relaxations of the asymmetric traveling salesman problem (TSP), the Held-Karp relaxation of the TSP’s arc-based formulation, and a particular approximate linear programming (ALP) relaxation obtained by restricting the dual of the TSP’s shortest path formulation. We show that the two formulations produce equal lower bounds for the TSP’s optimal cost regardless … Read more

Risk-Averse Control of Undiscounted Transient Markov Models

We use Markov risk measures to formulate a risk-averse version of the undiscounted total cost problem for a transient controlled Markov process. We derive risk-averse dynamic programming equations and we show that a randomized policy may be strictly better than deterministic policies, when risk measures are employed. We illustrate the results on an optimal stopping … Read more

Exact Solution of the Robust Knapsack Problem

We consider an uncertain variant of the knapsack problem in which the weight of the items is not exactly known in advance, but belongs to a given interval, and an upper bound is imposed on the number of items whose weight di ffers from the expected one. For this problem, we provide a dynamic programming algorithm … Read more

A Dynamic Traveling Salesman Problem with Stochastic Arc Costs

We propose a dynamic traveling salesman problem (TSP) with stochastic arc costs motivated by applications, such as dynamic vehicle routing, in which a decision’s cost is known only probabilistically beforehand but is revealed dynamically before the decision is executed. We formulate the problem as a dynamic program (DP) and compare it to static counterparts to … Read more

Optimal Execution Under Jump Models For Uncertain Price Impact

In the execution cost problem, an investor wants to minimize the total expected cost and risk in the execution of a portfolio of risky assets to achieve desired positions. A major source of the execution cost comes from price impacts of both the investor’s own trades and other concurrent institutional trades. Indeed price impact of … Read more

Bounds for nested law invariant coherent risk measures

With every law invariant coherent risk measure is associated its conditional analogue. In this paper we discuss lower and upper bounds for the corresponding nested (composite) formulations of law invariant coherent risk measures. In particular, we consider the Average Value-at-Risk and comonotonic risk measures. ArticleDownload View PDF

A note on the convergence of the SDDP algorithm

In this paper we are interested in the convergence analysis of the Stochastic Dual Dynamic Algorithm (SDDP) algorithm in a general framework, and regardless of whether the underlying probability space is discrete or not. We consider a convex stochastic control program not necessarily linear and the resulting dynamic programming equation. We prove under mild assumptions … Read more

Supermodularity and Affine Policies in Dynamic Robust Optimization

This paper considers robust dynamic optimization problems, where the unknown parameters are modeled as uncertainty sets. We seek to bridge two classical paradigms for solving such problems, namely (1) Dynamic Programming (DP), and (2) policies parameterized in model uncertainties (also known as decision rules), obtained by solving tractable convex optimization problems. We provide a set … Read more