On a new collection of stochastic linear programming testproblems

The purpose of this paper is to introduce a new test problem collection for stochastic linear programming that the authors have recently begun to assemble. While there are existing stochastic programming test problem collections, our new collection has three features that distinguish it from existing collections. First, our collection is web-based with free public access, … Read more

New Results on Quadratic Minimization

In this paper we present several new results on minimizing an indefinite quadratic function under quadratic/linear constraints. The emphasis is placed on the case where the constraints are two quadratic inequalities. This formulation is known as {\em the extended trust region subproblem}\/ and the computational complexity of this problem is still unknown. We consider several … Read more

A New Second-Order Cone Programming Relaxation for MAX-CUT problems

We propose a new relaxation scheme for the MAX-CUT problem using second-order cone programming. We construct relaxation problems to reflect the structure of the original graph. Numerical experiments show that our relaxation approaches give better bounds than those based on the spectral decomposition proposed by Kim and Kojima, and that the efficiency of the branch-and-bound … Read more

Multiple Cuts with a Homogeneous Analytic Center Cutting Plane Method

This paper analyzes the introduction of multiple central cuts in a conic formulation of the analytic center cutting plane method (in short ACCPM). This work extends earlier work on the homogeneous ACCPM, and parallels the analysis of the multiple cut process in the standard ACCPM. The main issue is the calculation of a direction that … Read more

Solving large MINLPs on computational grids

We consider the solution of Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming (MINLP) problems by a parallel implementation of nonlinear branch-and-bound on a computational grid or meta-computer. Computational experience on a set of large MINLPs is reported which indicates that this approach is efficient for the solution of large MINLPs. Citation Numerical Analysis Report NA/200, Department of Mathematics, … Read more

Solving standard quadratic optimization problems via linear, semidefinite and copositive programming

The problem of minimizing a (non-convex) quadratic function over the simplex (the standard quadratic optimization problem) has an exact convex reformulation as a copositive programming problem. In this paper we show how to approximate the optimal solution by approximating the cone of copositive matrices via systems of linear inequalities, and, more refined, linear matrix inequalities … Read more

Polyhedral results for two-connected networks with bounded rings

We study the polyhedron associated with a network design problem which consists in determining at minimum cost a two-connected network such that the shortest cycle to which each edge belongs (a “ring”) does not exceed a given length K. We present here a new formulation of the problem and derive facet results for different classes … Read more

Kernels in planar digraphs

A set $S$ of vertices in a digraph $D=(V,A)$ is a kernel if $S$ is independent and every vertex in $V-S$ has an out-neighbour in $S$. We show that there exists an $O(3^{\delta \sqrt{k}} n)$~% \footnote{Throughout this paper the constants $\delta$ and $c$ are the same as the comparative constants mentioned in~\cite{kn:alber}.} algorithm to check … Read more

A Linear Programming Approach to Semidefinite Programming Problems

Until recently, the study of interior point methods has dominated algorithmic research in semidefinite programming (SDP). From a theoretical point of view, these interior point methods offer everything one can hope for; they apply to all SDP’s, exploit second order information and offer polynomial time complexity. Still for practical applications with many constraints $k$, the … Read more

Examples of ill-behaved central paths in convex optimization

This paper presents some examples of ill-behaved central paths in convex optimization. Some contain infinitely many fixed length central segments; others manifest oscillations with infinite variation. These central paths can be encountered even for infinitely differentiable data. Citation Rapport de recherche 4179, INRIA, France, 2001 Article Download View Examples of ill-behaved central paths in convex … Read more