A Study of First-Order Methods with a Probabilistic Relative-Error Gradient Oracle

This paper investigates the problem of minimizing a smooth function over a compact set with a probabilistic relative-error gradient oracle. The oracle succeeds with some probability, in which case it provides a relative-error approximation of the true gradient, or fails and returns an arbitrary vector, while the optimizer cannot distinguish between successful and failed queries … Read more

A Primal-Dual Frank-Wolfe Algorithm for Linear Programming

We present two first-order primal-dual algorithms for solving saddle point formulations of linear programs, namely FWLP (Frank-Wolfe Linear Programming) and FWLP-P. The former iteratively applies the Frank-Wolfe algorithm to both the primal and dual of the saddle point formulation of a standard-form LP. The latter is a modification of FWLP in which regularizing perturbations are … Read more

Affine invariant convergence rates of the conditional gradient method

We show that the conditional gradient method for the convex composite problem \[\min_x\{f(x) + \Psi(x)\}\] generates primal and dual iterates with a duality gap converging to zero provided a suitable growth property holds and the algorithm makes a judicious choice of stepsizes. The rate of convergence of the duality gap to zero ranges from sublinear … Read more

Frank-Wolfe and friends: a journey into projection-free first-order optimization methods

Invented some 65 years ago in a seminal paper by Marguerite Straus-Frank and Philip Wolfe, the Frank-Wolfe method recently enjoys a remarkable revival, fuelled by the need of fast and reliable first-order optimization methods in Data Science and other relevant application areas. This review tries to explain the success of this approach by illustrating versatility … Read more

Universal Conditional Gradient Sliding for Convex Optimization

In this paper, we present a first-order projection-free method, namely, the universal conditional gradient sliding (UCGS) method, for solving ε-approximate solutions to convex differentiable optimization problems. For objective functions with Hölder continuous gradients, we show that UCGS is able to terminate with ε-solutions with at most O((1/ε)^(2/(1+3v))) gradient evaluations and O((1/ε)^(4/(1+3v))) linear objective optimizations, where … Read more

Generalized conditional subgradient and generalized mirror descent: duality, convergence, and symmetry

We provide new insight into a generalized conditional subgradient algorithm and a generalized mirror descent algorithm for the convex minimization problem \[\min_x \; \{f(Ax) + h(x)\}.\] As Bach showed in [SIAM J. Optim., 25 (2015), pp. 115–129], applying either of these two algorithms to this problem is equivalent to applying the other one to its … Read more

Zeroth-order Nonconvex Stochastic Optimization: Handling Constraints, High-Dimensionality, and Saddle-Points

In this paper, we propose and analyze zeroth-order stochastic approximation algorithms for nonconvex and convex optimization, with a focus on addressing constrained optimization, high-dimensional setting, and saddle-point avoiding. To handle constrained optimization, we first propose generalizations of the conditional gradient algorithm achieving rates similar to the standard stochastic gradient algorithm using only zeroth-order information. To … Read more

Generalized Stochastic Frank-Wolfe Algorithm with Stochastic “Substitute” Gradient for Structured Convex Optimization

The stochastic Frank-Wolfe method has recently attracted much general interest in the context of optimization for statistical and machine learning due to its ability to work with a more general feasible region. However, there has been a complexity gap in the guaranteed convergence rate for stochastic Frank-Wolfe compared to its deterministic counterpart. In this work, … Read more

Globally Solving the Trust Region Subproblem Using Simple First-Order Methods

We consider the trust region subproblem which is given by a minimization of a quadratic, not necessarily convex, function over the Euclidean ball. Based on the well-known second-order necessary and sufficient optimality conditions for this problem, we present two sufficient optimality conditions defined solely in terms of the primal variables. Each of these conditions corresponds … Read more

Complexity bounds for primal-dual methods minimizing the model of objective function

We provide Frank-Wolfe ($\equiv$ Conditional Gradients) method with a convergence analysis allowing to approach a primal-dual solution of convex optimization problem with composite objective function. Additional properties of complementary part of the objective (strong convexity) significantly accelerate the scheme. We also justify a new variant of this method, which can be seen as a trust-region … Read more