Benders-type Branch-and-Cut Algorithms for Capacitated Facility Location with Single-Sourcing

We consider the capacitated facility location problem with (partial) single-sourcing (CFLP-SS). A natural mixed integer formulation for the problem involves 0-1 variables x_j indicating whether faclility j is used or not and y_{ij} variables indicating the fraction of the demand of client i that is satisfied from facility j. When the x variables are fixed, … Read more

Quadratic Optimization Models for Balancing Preferential Access and Fairness: Formulations and Optimality Conditions

Published in INFORMS Journal on Computing. Typically, within facility location problems, fairness is defined in terms of accessibility of users. However, for facilities perceived as undesirable by communities hosting them, fairness between the usage of facilities becomes especially important. Limited research exists on this notion of fairness. To close this gap, we develop a series … Read more

A study of the relation between the single-row and the double-row facility layout problem

The NP-hard Multi-Row Facility Layout Problem (MRFLP) consists of a set of one-dimensional departments and pairwise transport weights between them. It asks for a non-overlapping arrangement of the departments along a given number of rows such that the weighted sum of the horizontal center-to-center distances between the departments is minimized. We mainly focus on the … Read more

Benders decomposition for Network Design Covering Problems

We consider two covering variants of the network design problem. We are given a set of origin/destination(O/D) pairs and each such O/D pair is covered if there exists a path in the network from the origin to the destination whose length is not larger than a given threshold. In the first problem, called the maximal … Read more

A Semidefinite Optimization Approach for the Single-Row Layout Problem with Unequal Dimensions

The facility layout problem is concerned with the arrangement of a given number of rectangular facilities so as to minimize the total cost associated with the (known or projected) interactions between them. We consider the one-dimensional space allocation problem (ODSAP), also known as the single-row facility layout problem, which consists in finding an optimal linear … Read more

An Attractor-Repeller Approach to Floorplanning

The floorplanning (or facility layout) problem consists in finding the optimal positions for a given set of modules of fixed area (but perhaps varying dimensions) within a facility such that the distances between pairs of modules that have a positive connection cost are minimized. This is a hard discrete optimization problem; even the restricted version … Read more