Random projections for trust region subproblems

The trust region method is an algorithm traditionally used in the field of derivative free optimization. The method works by iteratively constructing surrogate models (often linear or quadratic functions) to approximate the true objective function inside some neighborhood of a current iterate. The neighborhood is called “trust region” in the sense that the model is … Read more

Generation techniques for linear and integer programming instances with controllable properties

This paper addresses the problem of generating synthetic test cases for experimentation in linear programming. We propose a method which maps instance generation and instance space search to an alternative encoded space. This allows us to develop a generator for feasible bounded linear programming instances with controllable properties. We show that this method is capable … Read more

Randomized Linear Programming Solves the Discounted Markov Decision Problem In Nearly-Linear (Sometimes Sublinear) Running Time

We propose a randomized linear programming algorithm for approximating the optimal policy of the discounted Markov decision problem. By leveraging the value-policy duality, the algorithm adaptively samples state transitions and makes exponentiated primal-dual updates. We show that it finds an ε-optimal policy using nearly-linear running time in the worst case. For Markov decision processes that … Read more

The SCIP Optimization Suite 4.0

The SCIP Optimization Suite is a powerful collection of optimization software that consists of the branch-cut-and-price framework and mixed-integer programming solver SCIP, the linear programming solver SoPlex, the modeling language Zimpl, the parallelization framework UG, and the generic branch-cut-and-price solver GCG. Additionally, it features the extensions SCIP-Jack for solving Steiner tree problems, PolySCIP for solving … Read more

A polynomial algorithm for linear feasibility problems given by separation oracles

The algorithm proposed in this paper runs in a polynomial oracle time, i.e., in a number of arithmetic operations and calls to the separation oracle bounded by a polynomial in the number of variables and in the maximum binary size of an entry of the coefficient matrix. This algorithm is much simpler than traditional polynomial … Read more

Permutations in the factorization of simplex bases

The basis matrices corresponding to consecutive iterations of the simplex method only differ in a single column. This fact is commonly exploited in current LP solvers to avoid having to compute a new factorization of the basis at every iteration. Instead, a previous factorization is updated to reflect the modified column. Several methods are known … Read more

A Successive LP Approach with C-VaR Type Constraints for IMRT Optimization

Radiation therapy is considered to be one of important treatment protocols for cancers. Radiation therapy employs several beams of ionizing radiation to kill cancer tumors, but such irradiation also causes damage to normal tissues. Therefore, a treatment plan should satisfy dose-volume constraints (DVCs). Intensity-modulated radiotherapy treatment (IMRT) enables to control the beam intensities and gives … Read more

Rescaling Algorithms for Linear Programming Part I: Conic feasibility

We propose simple polynomial-time algorithms for two linear conic feasibility problems. For a matrix $A\in \R^{m\times n}$, the {\em kernel problem} requires a positive vector in the kernel of $A$, and the {\em image problem} requires a positive vector in the image of $A^\T$. Both algorithms iterate between simple first order steps and rescaling steps. … Read more

Optimized choice of parameters in interior-point methods for linear programming

In this work, we propose a predictor-corrector interior point method for linear programming in a primal-dual context, where the next iterate is chosen by the minimization of a polynomial merit function of three variables: the first is the steplength, the second defines the central path and the third models the weight of a corrector direction. … Read more