Analyzing the numerical correctness of branch-and-bound decisions for mixed-integer programming

Most state-of-the-art branch-and-bound solvers for mixed-integer linear programming rely on limited-precision floating-point arithmetic and use numerical tolerances when reasoning about feasibility and optimality during their search. While the practical success of floating-point MIP solvers bears witness to their overall numerical robustness, it is well-known that numerically challenging input can lead them to produce incorrect results. … Read more

MIP-DD: Delta Debugging for Mixed Integer Programming Solvers

The recent performance improvements in mixed-integer programming (MIP) have been accompanied by a significantly increased complexity of the codes of MIP solvers, which poses challenges in fixing implementation errors. In this paper, we introduce MIP-DD, a solver-independent tool, which to the best of our knowledge is the first open-source delta debugger for MIP. Delta debugging … Read more

Cut-based Conflict Analysis in Mixed Integer Programming

For almost two decades, mixed integer programming (MIP) solvers have used graph- based conflict analysis to learn from local infeasibilities during branch-and-bound search. In this paper, we improve MIP conflict analysis by instead using reasoning based on cuts, inspired by the development of conflict-driven solvers for pseudo- Boolean optimization. Phrased in MIP terminology, this type … Read more

A diving heuristic for mixed-integer problems with unbounded semi-continuous variables

Semi-continuous decision variables arise naturally in many real-world applications. They are defined to take either value zero or any value within a specified range, and occur mainly to prevent small nonzero values in the solution. One particular challenge that can come with semi-continuous variables in practical models is that their upper bound may be large … Read more

Certified Constraint Propagation and Dual Proof Analysis in a Numerically Exact MIP Solver

This paper presents the integration of constraint propagation and dual proof analysis in an exact, roundoff-error-free MIP solver. The authors employ safe rounding methods to ensure that all results remain provably correct, while sacrificing as little computational performance as possible in comparison to a pure floating-point implementation. The study also addresses the adaptation of certification … Read more

The MIP Workshop 2023 Computational Competition on Reoptimization

This paper describes the computational challenge developed for a computational competition held in 2023 for the 20th anniversary of the Mixed Integer Programming Workshop. The topic of this competition was reoptimization, also known as warm starting, of mixed integer linear optimization problems after slight changes to the input data for a common formulation. The challenge … Read more

The SCIP Optimization Suite 9.0

The SCIP Optimization Suite provides a collection of software packages for mathematical optimization, centered around the constraint integer programming (CIP) framework SCIP. This report discusses the enhancements and extensions included in the SCIP Optimization Suite 9.0. The updates in SCIP 9.0 include improved symmetry handling, additions and improvements of nonlinear handlers and primal heuristics, a … Read more

Branch and Price for the Length-Constrained Cycle Partition Problem

The length-constrained cycle partition problem (LCCP) is a graph optimization problem in which a set of nodes must be partitioned into a minimum number of cycles. Every node is associated with a critical time and the length of every cycle must not exceed the critical time of any node in the cycle. We formulate LCCP … Read more

Combining Precision Boosting with LP Iterative Refinement for Exact Linear Optimization

This article studies a combination of the two state-of-the-art algorithms for the exact solution of linear programs (LPs) over the rational numbers, i.e., without any roundoff errors or numerical tolerances. By integrating the method of precision boosting inside an LP iterative refinement loop, the combined algorithm is able to leverage the strengths of both methods: … Read more

A proof system for certifying symmetry and optimality reasoning in integer programming

We present a proof system for establishing the correctness of results produced by optimization algorithms, with a focus on mixed-integer programming (MIP). Our system generalizes the seminal work of Bogaerts, Gocht, McCreesh, and Nordström (2022) for binary programs to handle any additional difficulties arising from unbounded and continuous variables, and covers a broad range of … Read more