Probabilistic Iterative Hard Thresholding for Sparse Learning

For statistical modeling wherein the data regime is unfavorable in terms of dimensionality relative to the sample size, finding hidden sparsity in the ground truth can be critical in formulating an accurate statistical model. The so-called “l0 norm”, which counts the number of non-zero components in a vector, is a strong reliable mechanism of enforcing … Read more

Block cubic Newton with greedy selection

A second-order block coordinate descent method is proposed for the unconstrained minimization of an objective function with Lipschitz continuous Hessian. At each iteration, a block of variables is selected by means of a greedy (Gauss-Southwell) rule which considers the amount of first-order stationarity violation, then an approximate minimizer of a cubic model is computed for … Read more

Complexity results and active-set identification of a derivative-free method for bound-constrained problems

In this paper, we analyze a derivative-free line search method designed for bound-constrained problems. Our analysis demonstrates that this method exhibits a worst-case complexity comparable to other derivative-free methods for unconstrained and linearly constrained problems. In particular, when minimizing a function with $n$ variables, we prove that at most ${\cal O}(n\epsilon^{-2})$ iterations are needed to … Read more

On Necessary Optimality Conditions for Sets of Points in Multiobjective Optimization

Taking inspiration from what is commonly done in single-objective optimization, most local algorithms proposed for multiobjective optimization extend the classical iterative scalar methods and produce sequences of points able to converge to single efficient points. Recently, a growing number of local algorithms that build sequences of sets has been devised, following the real nature of … Read more

A decomposition method for lasso problems with zero-sum constraint

In this paper, we consider lasso problems with zero-sum constraint, commonly required for the analysis of compositional data in high-dimensional spaces. A novel algorithm is proposed to solve these problems, combining a tailored active-set technique, to identify the zero variables in the optimal solution, with a 2-coordinate descent scheme. At every iteration, the algorithm chooses … Read more

Minimization over the l1-ball using an active-set non-monotone projected gradient

The l1-ball is a nicely structured feasible set that is widely used in many fields (e.g., machine learning, statistics and signal analysis) to enforce some sparsity in the model solutions. In this paper, we devise an active-set strategy for efficiently dealing with minimization problems over the l1-ball and embed it into a tailored algorithmic scheme … Read more

An augmented Lagrangian method exploiting an active-set strategy and second-order information

In this paper, we consider nonlinear optimization problems with nonlinear equality constraints and bound constraints on the variables. For the solution of such problems, many augmented Lagrangian methods have been defined in the literature. Here, we propose to modify one of these algorithms, namely ALGENCAN by Andreani et al., in such a way to incorporate … Read more

Active-set identification with complexity guarantees of an almost cyclic 2-coordinate descent method with Armijo line search

In this paper, it is established finite active-set identification of an almost cyclic 2-coordinate descent method for problems with one linear coupling constraint and simple bounds. First, general active-set identification results are stated for non-convex objective functions. Then, under convexity and a quadratic growth condition (satisfied by any strongly convex function), complexity results on the … Read more

A derivative-free method for structured optimization problems

Structured optimization problems are ubiquitous in fields like data science and engineering. The goal in structured optimization is using a prescribed set of points, called atoms, to build up a solution that minimizes or maximizes a given function. In the present paper, we want to minimize a black-box function over the convex hull of a … Read more

An almost cyclic 2-coordinate descent method for singly linearly constrained problems

A block decomposition method is proposed for minimizing a (possibly non-convex) continuously differentiable function subject to one linear equality constraint and simple bounds on the variables. The proposed method iteratively selects a pair of coordinates according to an almost cyclic strategy that does not use first-order information, allowing us not to compute the whole gradient … Read more