A Python package for multi-stage stochastic programming

This paper presents a Python package to solve multi-stage stochastic linear programs (MSLP) and multi-stage stochastic integer programs (MSIP). Algorithms based on an extensive formulation and Stochastic Dual Dynamic (Integer) Programming (SDDP/SDDiP) method are implemented. The package is synthetically friendly and has a number of features which are not available in the competing software packages. … Read more

Risk averse stochastic programming: time consistency and optimal stopping

Bellman formulated a vague principle for optimization over time, which characterizes optimal policies by stating that a decision maker should not regret previous decisions retrospectively. This paper addresses time consistency in stochastic optimization. The problem is stated in generality first. The paper discusses time consistent decision-making by addressing risk measures which are recursive, nested, dynamically … Read more

Tutorial on risk neutral, distributionally robust and risk averse multistage stochastic programming

In this tutorial we discuss several aspects of modeling and solving multistage stochastic programming problems. In particular we discuss distributionally robust and risk averse approaches to multistage stochastic programming, and the involved concept of time consistency. This tutorial is aimed at presenting a certain point of view of multistage stochastic programming, and can be viewed … Read more

Convergence Analysis of Sample Average Approximation of Two-stage Stochastic Generalized Equations

A solution of two-stage stochastic generalized equations is a pair: a first stage solution which is independent of realization of the random data and a second stage solution which is a function of random variables. This paper studies convergence of the sample average approximation of two-stage stochastic nonlinear generalized equations. In particular an exponential rate … Read more

Time inconsistency of optimal policies of distributionally robust inventory models

In this paper, we investigate optimal policies of distributionally robust (risk averse) inventory models. We demonstrate that if the respective risk measures are not strictly monotone, then there may exist infinitely many optimal policies which are not base-stock and not time consistent. This is in a sharp contrast with the risk neutral formulation of the … Read more

Modeling Time-dependent Randomness in Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming

We consider the multistage stochastic programming problem where uncertainty enters the right-hand sides of the problem. Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming (SDDP) is a popular method to solve such problems under the assumption that the random data process is stagewise independent. There exist two approaches to incorporate dependence into SDDP. One approach is to model the … Read more

Interchangeability principle and dynamic equations in risk averse stochastic programming

In this paper we consider interchangeability of the minimization operator with monotone risk functionals. In particular we discuss the role of strict monotonicity of the risk functionals. We also discuss implications to solutions of dynamic programming equations of risk averse multistage stochastic programming problems. ArticleDownload View PDF

Statistical Inference of Semidefinite Programming

In this paper we consider covariance structural models with which we associate semidefinite programming problems. We discuss statistical properties of estimates of the respective optimal value and optimal solutions when the `true’ covariance matrix is estimated by its sample counterpart. The analysis is based on perturbation theory of semidefinite programming. As an example we consider … Read more

Statistical inference and hypotheses testing of risk averse stochastic programs

We study statistical properties of the optimal value and optimal solutions of the Sample Average Approximation of risk averse stochastic problems. Central Limit Theorem type results are derived for the optimal value when the stochastic program is expressed in terms of a law invariant coherent risk measure having a discrete Kusuoka representation. The obtained results … Read more

Time and Dynamic Consistency of Risk Averse Stochastic Programs

In various settings time consistency in dynamic programming has been addressed by many authors going all the way back to original developments by Richard Bellman. The basic idea of the involved dynamic principle is that a policy designed at the first stage, before observing realizations of the random data, should not be changed at the … Read more