Stochastic Decomposition Method for Two-Stage Distributionally Robust Optimization

In this paper, we present a sequential sampling-based algorithm for the two-stage distributionally robust linear programming (2-DRLP) models. The 2-DRLP models are defined over a general class of ambiguity sets with discrete or continuous probability distributions. The algorithm is a distributionally robust version of the well-known stochastic decomposition algorithm of Higle and Sen (Math. of … Read more

Risk-Neutral and Risk-Averse Transmission Switching for Load Shed Recovery

Maintaining an uninterrupted supply of electricity is a fundamental goal of power systems operators. However, due to critical outage events, customer demand or load is at times disconnected or shed temporarily. While deterministic optimization models have been devised to help operators expedite load shed recovery by harnessing the flexibility of the grid’s topology (i.e., transmission … Read more

Multi-Module Capacitated Lot-Sizing Problem, and its Generalizations with Two-Echelons and Piecewise Concave Production Costs

We study new generalizations of the classical capacitated lot-sizing problem with concave production (or transportation), holding, and subcontracting cost functions in which the total production (or transportation) capacity in each time period is the summation of capacities of a subset of n available modules (machines or vehicles) of different capacities. We refer to this problem … Read more

On Solving Two-Stage Distributionally Robust Disjunctive Programs with a General Ambiguity Set

We introduce two-stage distributionally robust disjunctive programs (TSDR-DPs) with disjunctive constraints in both stages and a general ambiguity set for the probability distributions. The TSDR-DPs subsume various classes of two-stage distributionally robust programs where the second stage problems are non-convex programs (such as mixed binary programs, semi-continuous program, nonconvex quadratic programs, separable non-linear programs, etc.). … Read more

Scenario-based cuts for structured two-stage stochastic and distributionally robust p-order conic mixed integer programs

In this paper, we derive (partial) convex hull for deterministic multi-constraint polyhedral conic mixed integer sets with multiple integer variables using conic mixed integer rounding (CMIR) cut-generation procedure of Atamtürk and Narayanan (Math Prog 122:1–20, 2008), thereby extending their result for a simple polyhedral conic mixed integer set with single constraint and one integer variable. … Read more

Planar Maximum Coverage Location Problem with Partial Coverage and General Spatial Representation of Demand and Service Zones

We introduce a new generalization of the classical planar maximum coverage location problem (PMCLP) in which demand zones and service zone of each facility are represented by spatial objects such as circles, polygons, etc., and are allowed to be located anywhere in a continuous plane. In addition, we allow partial coverage in its true sense, … Read more

Facets for Single Module and Multi-Module Capacitated Lot-Sizing Problems without Backlogging

In this paper, we consider the well-known constant-batch lot-sizing problem, which we refer to as the single module capacitated lot-sizing (SMLS) problem, and multi-module capacitated lot-sizing (MMLS) problem. We provide sufficient conditions under which the (k,l,S,I) inequalities of Pochet and Wolsey (Math of OR 18: 767-785, 1993), the mixed (k,l,S,I) inequalities, derived using mixing procedure … Read more

Decomposition Algorithms for Two-Stage Distributionally Robust Mixed Binary Programs

In this paper, we introduce and study a two-stage distributionally robust mixed binary problem (TSDR-MBP) where the random parameters follow the worst-case distribution belonging to an uncertainty set of probability distributions. We present a decomposition algorithm, which utilizes distribution separation procedure and parametric cuts within Benders’ algorithm or L-shaped method, to solve TSDR-MBPs with binary … Read more

On Solving General Two-Stage Stochastic Programs

We study general two-stage stochastic programs and present conditions under which the second stage programs can be convexified. This allows us to relax the restrictions, such as integrality, binary, semi-continuity, and many others, on the second stage variables in certain situations. Next, we introduce two-stage stochastic disjunctive programs (TSS-DPs) and extend Balas’s linear programming equivalent … Read more