Strengthening SONC Relaxations with Constraints Derived from Variable Bounds

Nonnegativity certificates can be used to obtain tight dual bounds for polynomial optimization problems. Hierarchies of certificate-based relaxations ensure convergence to the global optimum, but higher levels of such hierarchies can become very computationally expensive, and the well-known sums of squares hierarchies scale poorly with the degree of the polynomials. This has motivated research into … Read more

The SCIP Optimization Suite 8.0

The SCIP Optimization Suite provides a collection of software packages for mathematical optimization centered around the constraint integer programming framework SCIP. This paper discusses enhancements and extensions contained in version 8.0 of the SCIP Optimization Suite. Major updates in SCIP include improvements in symmetry handling and decomposition algorithms, new cutting planes, a new plugin type … Read more

An Algorithm-Independent Measure of Progress for Linear Constraint Propagation

Propagation of linear constraints has become a crucial sub-routine in modern Mixed-Integer Programming (MIP) solvers. In practice, iterative algorithms with tolerance-based stopping criteria are used to avoid problems with slow or infinite convergence. However, these heuristic stopping criteria can pose difficulties for fairly comparing the efficiency of different implementations of iterative propagation algorithms in a … Read more

A Computational Study of Perspective Cuts

The benefits of cutting planes based on the perspective function are well known for many specific classes of mixed-integer nonlinear programs with on/off structures. However, we are not aware of any empirical studies that evaluate their applicability and computational impact over large, heterogeneous test sets in general-purpose solvers. This paper provides a detailed computational study … Read more

A Computational Status Update for Exact Rational Mixed Integer Programming

The last milestone achievement for the roundoff-error-free solution of general mixed integer programs over the rational numbers was a hybrid-precision branch-and-bound algorithm published by Cook, Koch, Steffy, and Wolter in 2013. We describe a substantial revision and extension of this framework that integrates symbolic presolving, features an exact repair step for solutions from primal heuristics, … Read more

Accelerating Domain Propagation: an Efficient GPU-Parallel Algorithm over Sparse Matrices

Fast domain propagation of linear constraints has become a crucial component of today’s best algorithms and solvers for mixed integer programming and pseudo-boolean optimization to achieve peak solving performance. Irregularities in the form of dynamic algorithmic behaviour, dependency structures, and sparsity patterns in the input data make efficient implementations of domain propagation on GPUs and, … Read more

The SCIP Optimization Suite 7.0

The SCIP Optimization Suite provides a collection of software packages for mathematical optimization centered around the constraint integer programming framework SCIP. This paper discusses enhancements and extensions contained in version 7.0 of the SCIP Optimization Suite. The new version features the parallel presolving library PaPILO as a new addition to the suite. PaPILO 1.0 simplifies … Read more

Linear Programming using Limited-Precision Oracles

Since the elimination algorithm of Fourier and Motzkin, many different methods have been developed for solving linear programs. When analyzing the time complexity of LP algorithms, it is typically either assumed that calculations are performed exactly and bounds are derived on the number of elementary arithmetic operations necessary, or the cost of all arithmetic operations … Read more

On Generalized Surrogate Duality in Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming

The most important ingredient for solving mixed-integer nonlinear programs (MINLPs) to global epsilon-optimality with spatial branch and bound is a tight, computationally tractable relaxation. Due to both theoretical and practical considerations, relaxations of MINLPs are usually required to be convex. Nonetheless, current optimization solver can often successfully handle a moderate presence of nonconvexities, which opens … Read more

Two-row and two-column mixed-integer presolve using hash-based pairing methods

In state-of-the-art mixed-integer programming solvers, a large array of reduction techniques are applied to simplify the problem and strengthen the model formulation before starting the actual branch-and-cut phase. Despite their mathematical simplicity, these methods can have significant impact on the solvability of a given problem. However, a crucial property for employing presolving techniques successfully is … Read more