Asynchronous Sequential Inertial Iterations for Common Fixed Points Problems with an Application to Linear Systems

The common fixed points problem requires finding a point in the intersection of fixed points sets of a finite collection of operators. Quickly solving problems of this sort is of great practical importance for engineering and scientific tasks (e.g., for computed tomography). Iterative methods for solving these problems often employ a Krasnosel’skii-Mann type iteration. We … Read more

The Cyclic Douglas-Rachford Algorithm with r-sets-Douglas-Rachford Operators

The Douglas-Rachford (DR) algorithm is an iterative procedure that uses sequential reflections onto convex sets and which has become popular for convex feasibility problems. In this paper we propose a structural generalization that allows to use r-sets-DR operators in a cyclic fashion. We prove convergence and present numerical illustrations of the potential advantage of such … Read more

Derivative-Free Superiorization With Component-Wise Perturbations

Superiorization reduces, not necessarily minimizes, the value of a target function while seeking constraints-compatibility. This is done by taking a solely feasibility-seeking algorithm, analyzing its perturbations resilience, and proactively perturbing its iterates accordingly to steer them toward a feasible point with reduced value of the target function. When the perturbation steps are computationally efficient, this … Read more

Superiorization and perturbation resilience of algorithms: A continuously updated bibliography

This document presents a, chronologically ordered, bibliography of scientific publications on the superiorization methodology and perturbation resilience of algorithms which is compiled and continuously updated by us at: Since the topic is relatively new it is possible to trace the work that has been published about it since its inception. To the best of … Read more

An Improved Method of Total Variation Superiorization Applied to Reconstruction in Proton Computed Tomography

Previous work showed that total variation superiorization (TVS) improves reconstructed image quality in proton computed tomography (pCT). The structure of the TVS algorithm has evolved since then and this work investigated if this new algorithmic structure provides additional benefits to pCT image quality. Structural and parametric changes introduced to the original TVS algorithm included: (1) … Read more

Algorithms and Convergence Results of Projection Methods for Inconsistent Feasibility Problems: A Review

The convex feasibility problem (CFP) is to find a feasible point in the intersection of finitely many convex and closed sets. If the intersection is empty then the CFP is inconsistent and a feasible point does not exist. However, algorithmic research of inconsistent CFPs exists and is mainly focused on two directions. One is oriented … Read more

Convergence Analysis of Processes with Valiant Projection Operators in Hilbert Space

Convex feasibility problems require to find a point in the intersection of a finite family of convex sets. We propose to solve such problems by performing set-enlargements and applying a new kind of projection operators called valiant projectors. A valiant projector onto a convex set implements a special relaxation strategy, proposed by Goffin in 1971, … Read more

Finding a best approximation pair of points for two polyhedra

Given two disjoint convex polyhedra, we look for a best approximation pair relative to them, i.e., a pair of points, one in each polyhedron, attaining the minimum distance between the sets. Cheney and Goldstein showed that alternating projections onto the two sets, starting from an arbitrary point, generate a sequence whose two interlaced subsequences converge … Read more

Sparsity constrained split feasibility for dose-volume constraints in inverse planning of intensity-modulated photon or proton therapy

A split feasibility formulation for the inverse problem of intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) treatment planning with dose-volume constraints (DVCs) included in the planning algorithm is presented. It involves a new type of sparsity constraint that enables the inclusion of a percentage-violation constraint in the model problem and its handling by continuous (as opposed to integer) … Read more

Can linear superiorization be useful for linear optimization problems?

Linear superiorization considers linear programming problems but instead of attempting to solve them with linear optimization methods it employs perturbation resilient feasibility-seeking algorithms and steers them toward reduced (not necessarily minimal) target function values. The two questions that we set out to explore experimentally are (i) Does linear superiorization provide a feasible point whose linear … Read more