A necessary condition for the guarantee of the superiorization method

We study a method that involves principally convex feasibility-seeking and makes secondary efforts of objective function value reduction. This is the well-known superiorization method (SM), where the iterates of an asymptotically convergent iterative feasibility-seeking algorithm are perturbed by objective function nonascent steps. We investigate the question under what conditions a sequence generated by an SM … Read more

Approaches to iterative algorithms for solving nonlinear equations with an application in tomographic absorption spectroscopy

In this paper we propose an approach for solving systems of nonlinear equations without computing function derivatives. Motivated by the application area of tomographic absorption spectroscopy, which is a highly-nonlinear problem with variables coupling, we consider a situation where straightforward translation to a fixed point problem is not possible because the operators that represent the … Read more

Superiorization: The asymmetric roles of feasibility-seeking and objective function reduction

The superiorization methodology can be thought of as lying conceptually between feasibility-seeking and constrained minimization. It is not trying to solve the full-fledged constrained minimization problem composed from the modeling constraints and the chosen objective function. Rather, the task is to find a feasible point which is “superior” (in a well-defined manner) with respect to … Read more

The superiorization method with restarted perturbations for split minimization problems with an application to radiotherapy treatment planning

In this paper we study the split minimization problem that consists of two constrained minimization problems in two separate spaces that are connected via a linear operator that maps one space into the other. To handle the data of such a problem we develop a superiorization approach that can reach a feasible point with reduced … Read more

Developments in mathematical algorithms and computational tools for proton CT and particle therapy treatment planning

We summarize recent results and ongoing activities in mathematical algorithms and computer science methods related to proton computed tomography (pCT) and intensitymodulated particle therapy (IMPT) treatment planning. Proton therapy necessitates a high level of delivery accuracy to exploit the selective targeting imparted by the Bragg peak. For this purpose, pCT utilizes the proton beam itself … Read more

Superiorization vs. Accelerated Convex Optimization: The Superiorized/Regularized Least-Squares Case

In this paper we conduct a study of both superiorization and optimization approaches for the reconstruction problem of superiorized/regularized solutions to underdetermined systems of linear equations with nonnegativity variable bounds. Specifically, we study a (smoothed) total variation regularized least-squares problem with nonnegativity constraints. We consider two approaches: (a) a superiorization approach that, in contrast to … Read more

An analysis of the superiorization method via the principle of concentration of measure

The superiorization methodology is intended to work with input data of constrained minimization problems, i.e., a target function and a constraints set. However, it is based on an antipodal way of thinking to the thinking that leads constrained minimization methods. Instead of adapting unconstrained minimization algorithms to handling constraints, it adapts feasibility-seeking algorithms to reduce … Read more

Derivative-Free Superiorization With Component-Wise Perturbations

Superiorization reduces, not necessarily minimizes, the value of a target function while seeking constraints-compatibility. This is done by taking a solely feasibility-seeking algorithm, analyzing its perturbations resilience, and proactively perturbing its iterates accordingly to steer them toward a feasible point with reduced value of the target function. When the perturbation steps are computationally efficient, this … Read more

Superiorization and perturbation resilience of algorithms: A continuously updated bibliography

This document presents a, chronologically ordered, bibliography of scientific publications on the superiorization methodology and perturbation resilience of algorithms which is compiled and continuously updated by us at: http://math.haifa.ac.il/yair/bib-superiorization-censor.html. Since the topic is relatively new it is possible to trace the work that has been published about it since its inception. To the best of … Read more

An Improved Method of Total Variation Superiorization Applied to Reconstruction in Proton Computed Tomography

Previous work showed that total variation superiorization (TVS) improves reconstructed image quality in proton computed tomography (pCT). The structure of the TVS algorithm has evolved since then and this work investigated if this new algorithmic structure provides additional benefits to pCT image quality. Structural and parametric changes introduced to the original TVS algorithm included: (1) … Read more