The N – k Problem in Power Grids: New Models, Formulations and Computation

Given a power grid modeled by a network together with equations describing the power flows, power generation and consumption, and the laws of physics, the so-called N – k problem asks whether there exists a set of k or fewer arcs whose removal will cause the system to fail. We present theoretical results and computation … Read more

On Theory of Compressive Sensing via L1-Minimization:

Compressive (or compressed) sensing (CS) is an emerging methodology in computational signal processing that has recently attracted intensive research activities. At present, the basic CS theory includes recoverability and stability: the former quantifies the central fact that a sparse signal of length n can be exactly recovered from much less than n measurements via L1-minimization … Read more

On fast integration to steady state and earlier times

The integration to steady state of many initial value ODEs and PDEs using the forward Euler method can alternatively be considered as gradient descent for an associated minimization problem. Greedy algorithms such as steepest descent for determining the step size are as slow to reach steady state as is forward Euler integration with the best … Read more

Numerical Experience with a Recursive Trust-Region Method for Multilevel Nonlinear Optimization

We consider an implementation of the recursive multilevel trust-region algorithm proposed by Gratton, Mouffe, Toint, Weber (2008) for bound-constrained nonlinear problems, and provide numerical experience on multilevel test problems. A suitable choice of the algorithm’s parameters is identified on these problems, yielding a satisfactory compromise between reliability and efficiency. The resulting default algorithm is then … Read more

An Analysis of Weighted Least Squares Method and Layered Least Squares Method with the Basis Block Lower Triangular Matrix Form

In this paper, we analyze the limiting behavior of the weighted least squares problem $\min_{x\in\Re^n}\sum_{i=1}^p\|D_i(A_ix-b_i)\|^2$, where each $D_i$ is a positive definite diagonal matrix. We consider the situation where the magnitude of the weights are drastically different block-wisely so that $\max(D_1)\geq\min(D_1) \gg \max(D_2) \geq \min(D_2) \gg \max(D_3) \geq \ldots \gg \max(D_{p-1}) \geq \min(D_{p-1}) \gg \max(D_p)$. … Read more

Large-Scale Parallel Multibody Dynamics with Frictional Contact on the Graphical Processing Unit

In the context of simulating the frictional contact dynamics of large systems of rigid bodies, this paper reviews a novel method for solving large cone complementarity problems by means of a fixed-point iteration algorithm. The method is an extension of the Gauss-Seidel and Gauss-Jacobimethods with overrelaxation for symmetric convex linear complementarity problems. Convergent under fairly … Read more

A computational study of the use of an optimization-based method for simulating large multibody systems

The present work aims at comparing the performance of several quadratic programming (QP) solvers for simulating large-scale frictional rigid-body systems. Traditional time-stepping schemes for simulation of multibody systems are formulated as linear complementarity problems (LCPs) with copositive matrices. Such LCPs are generally solved by means of Lemketype algorithms and solvers such as the PATH solver … Read more

Asymptotic equivalence and Kobayashi-type estimates for nonautonomous monotone operators in Banach spaces

We provide a sharp generalization to the nonautonomous case of the well-known Ko\-ba\-yashi estimate for proximal iterates associated with maximal monotone operators. We then derive a bound for the distance between a continuous-in-time trajectory, namely the solution to the differential inclusion $\dot{x} + A(t)x\ni 0$, and the corresponding proximal iterations. We also establish continuity properties … Read more

Strong asymptotic convergence of evolution equations governed by maximal monotone operators

We consider the Tikhonov-like dynamics $-\dot u(t)\in A(u(t))+\varepsilon(t)u(t)$ where $A$ is a maximal monotone operator and the parameter function $\eps(t)$ tends to 0 for $t\to\infty$ with $\int_0^\infty\eps(t)dt=\infty$. When $A$ is the subdifferential of a closed proper convex function $f$, we establish strong convergence of $u(t)$ towards the least-norm minimizer of $f$. In the general case … Read more

Asymptotic almost-equivalence of abstract evolution systems

We study the asymptotic behavior of almost-orbits of abstract evolution systems in Banach spaces with or without a Lipschitz assumption. In particular, we establish convergence, convergence in average and almost-convergence of almost-orbits both for the weak and the strong topologies based on the behavior of the orbits. We also analyze the set of almost-stationary points. … Read more