A branch and cut algorithm for solving the linear and quadratic integer programming problems

This paper first presents an improve cutting plane method for solving the linear programming problems, based on the primal simplex method with the current equivalent facet technique, in which the increment of objection function is allowed as a pivot variable to decide the search step size. We obtain a strong valid inequality from the objective … Read more

Stabilized Branch-and-cut-and-price for the Generalized Assignment Problem

The Generalized Assignment Problem (GAP) is a classic scheduling problem with many applications. We propose a branch-and-cut-and-price for that problem featuring a stabilization mechanism to accelerate column generation convergence. We also propose ellipsoidal cuts, a new way of transforming the exact algorithm into a powerful heuristic, in the same spirit of the cuts recently proposed … Read more

An Improved Algorithm for Biobjective Integer Programs

A parametric algorithm for identifying the Pareto set of a biobjective integer program is proposed. The algorithm is based on the weighted Chebyshev (Tchebycheff) scalarization, and its running time is asymptotically optimal. A number of extensions are described, including: a technique for handling weakly dominated outcomes, a Pareto set approximation scheme, and an interactive version … Read more

A semidefinite programming based polyhedral cut and price algorithm for the maxcut problem

We investigate solution of the maximum cut problem using a polyhedral cut and price approach. The dual of the well-known SDP relaxation of maxcut is formulated as a semi-infinite linear programming problem, which is solved within an interior point cutting plane algorithm in a dual setting; this constitutes the pricing (column generation) phase of the … Read more

Solving diameter constrained minimum spanning tree problems in dense graphs

In this study, a lifting procedure is applied to some existing formulations of the Diameter Constrained Minimum Spanning Tree Problem. This problem typically models network design applications where all vertices must communicate with each other at minimum cost, while meeting or surpassing a given quality requirement. An alternative formulation is also proposed for instances of … Read more

Solving the Hub Location Problem with Modular Link Capacities

This paper deals with a capacitated hub location problem arising in the design of telecommunications networks. The problem is different from the classical hub location problem in two ways: the cost of using an edge is not linear but stepwise and the capacity of an hub restricts the amount of traffic transiting through the hub … Read more

Multiprocessor Scheduling under Precedence Constraints: Polyhedral Results

We consider the problem of scheduling a set of tasks related by precedence constraints to a set of processors, so as to minimize their makespan. Each task has to be assigned to a unique processor and no preemption is allowed. A new integer programming formulation of the problem is given and strong valid inequalities are … Read more

Decomposition and Dynamic Cut Generation in Integer Linear Programming

Decomposition algorithms such as Lagrangian relaxation and Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition are well-known methods that can be used to generate bounds for mixed-integer linear programming problems. Traditionally, these methods have been viewed as distinct from polyhedral methods, in which bounds are obtained by dynamically generating valid inequalities to strengthen the linear programming relaxation. Recently, a number of … Read more

A Branch-and-Cut Algorithm for Graph Coloring

In a previous work, we proposed a new integer programming formulation for the graph coloring problem which, to a certain extent, avoids symmetry. We studied the facet structure of the 0/1-polytope associated with it. Based on these theoretical results, we present now a Branch-and-Cut algorithm for the graph coloring problem. Our computational experiences compare favorably … Read more

The Quadratic Selective Travelling Saleman Problem

A well-known extension of the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) is the Selective TSP (STSP): Each node has an associated profit and instead of visiting all nodes, the most profitable set of nodes, taking into account the tour cost, is visited. The Quadratic STSP (QSTSP) adds the additional complication that each pair of nodes have an … Read more