Implications, conflicts, and reductions for Steiner trees

The Steiner tree problem in graphs (SPG) is one of the most studied problems in combinatorial optimization. In the last 10 years, there have been significant advances concerning approximation and complexity of the SPG. However, the state of the art in (practical) exact solution of the SPG has remained largely unchallenged for almost 20 years. … Read more

The Price of Anarchy in Series-Parallel Network Congestion Games

We study the inefficiency of pure Nash equilibria in symmetric network congestion games defined over series-parallel networks with affine edge delays. For arbitrary networks, Correa (2019) proved a tight upper bound of 5/2 on the PoA. On the other hand, for extension-parallel networks, a subclass of series-parallel networks, Fotakis (2010) proved that the PoA is … Read more

Face Dimensions of General-Purpose Cutting Planes for Mixed-Integer Linear Programs

Cutting planes are a key ingredient to successfully solve mixed-integer linear programs. For specific problems, their strength is often theoretically assessed by showing that they are facet-defining for the corresponding mixed-integer hull. In this paper we experimentally investigate the dimensions of faces induced by general-purpose cutting planes generated by a state-of-the-art solver. Therefore, we relate … Read more

Mixed-Integer Reformulations of Resource-Constrained Two-Stage Assignment Problems

The running time for solving a mixed-integer linear optimization problem (MIP) strongly depends on the number of its integral variables. Bader et al. [Math. Progr. 169 (2018) 565–584] equivalently reformulate an integer program into an MIP that contains a reduced number of integrality constraints, when compared to the original model. Generalizing the concept of totally … Read more

A modern POPMUSIC matheuristic for the capacitated vehicle routing problem

This work proposes a partial optimization metaheuristic under special intensification conditions (POPMUSIC) for the classical capacitated vehicle routing problem (CVRP). The proposed approach uses a branch-cut-and-price algorithm as a powerful heuristic to solve subproblems whose dimensions are typically between 25 and 200 customers. The whole algorithm can be seen as the application of local search … Read more

Valid Inequalities for Mixed Integer Bilevel Linear Optimization Problems

Despite the success of branch-and-cut methods for solving mixed integer bilevel linear optimization problems (MIBLPs) in practice, there have remained some gaps in the theory surrounding these methods. In this paper, we take a first step towards laying out a theory of valid inequalities and cutting-plane methods for MIBLPs that parallels the existing theory for … Read more

Compact Integer Linear Programming Formulations for the Temporal Bin Packing Problem with Fire-Ups

In this article we examine a specific version of the temporal bin packing problem (TBPP) that occurs in job-to-server scheduling. The TBPP represents a generalization of the well-known bin packing problem (BPP) with respect to an additional time dimension, and it requires to find the minimum number of bins (servers) to accommodate a given list … Read more

New algorithms for hierarchical optimisation in kidney exchange programmes

Kidney exchange programmes (KEPs) across the world help match donors and recipients to identify kidney transplantations. Almost all KEPs use a hierarchical set of objectives to determine an optimal set of transplants to perform, and integer linear programming is often used to find such optimal matchings. In this work, we identify the barriers in existing … Read more

Matching Algorithms and Complexity Results for Constrained Mixed-Integer Optimal Control with Switching Costs

We extend recent work on the performance of the combinatorial integral approximation decomposition approach for Mixed-Integer Optimal Control Problems (MIOCPs) in the presence of combinatorial constraints or switching costs on an equidistant grid. For the time discretized problem, we reformulate the emerging rounding problem in the decomposition approach as a matching problem on a bipartite … Read more

Improved Branch-and-Cut for the Inventory Routing Problem Based on a Two-Commodity Flow Formulation

This paper examines the Inventory Routing Problem (IRP) with Maximum Level inventory policy. The IRP is a broad class of hard to solve problems with numerous practical applications in the field of freight transportation and logistics. A supplier is responsible for determining the timing and the quantity of replenishment services offered to a set of … Read more