Automatic generation of FPTASes for stochastic monotone dynamic programs made easier

In this paper we go one step further in the automatic generation of FPTASes for multi-stage stochastic dynamic programs with scalar state and action spaces, in where the cost-to-go functions have a monotone structure in the state variable. While there exist a few frameworks for automatic generation of FPTASes, so far none of them is … Read more

Short simplex paths in lattice polytopes

We consider the problem of optimizing a linear function over a lattice polytope P contained in [0,k]^n and defined via m linear inequalities. We design a simplex algorithm that, given an initial vertex, reaches an optimal vertex by tracing a path along the edges of P of length at most O(n^6 k log k). The … Read more

Exact and Heuristic Approaches for a New Circular Layout Problem

We discuss a new facility layout problem, the so-called Directed Circular Facility Layout Problem (DCFLP). The DCFLP aims to find an optimal arrangement of machines on a circular material handling system such that the total weighted sum of the center-to-center distances between all pairs of machines measured in clockwise direction is minimized. Several real-world applications, … Read more

Compact Formulations for Split Delivery Routing Problems

Split delivery routing problems are concerned with serving the demand of a set of customers with a fleet of capacitated vehicles at minimum cost, where a customer can be served by more than one vehicle if beneficial. They generalize traditional variants of routing problems and have applications in commercial as well as humanitarian logistics. Previously, … Read more

Integrality of Linearizations of Polynomials over Binary Variables using Additional Monomials

Polynomial optimization problems over binary variables can be expressed as integer programs using a linearization with extra monomials in addition to those arising in the given polynomial. We characterize when such a linearization yields an integral relaxation polytope, generalizing work by Del Pia and Khajavirad (SIAM Journal on Optimization, 2018) and Buchheim, Crama and RodrĂ­guez-Heck … Read more

Multi-objective Optimization Based Algorithms for Solving Mixed Integer Linear Minimum Multiplicative Programs

We present two new algorithms for a class of single-objective non-linear optimization problems, the so-called Mixed Integer Linear minimum Multiplicative Programs (MIL-mMPs). This class of optimization problems has a desirable characteristic: a MIL-mMP can be viewed as a special case of the problem of optimization over the efficient set in multi-objective optimization. The proposed algorithms … Read more

Persistency of Linear Programming Formulations for the Stable Set Problem

The Nemhauser-Trotter theorem states that the standard linear programming (LP) formulation for the stable set problem has a remarkable property, also known as (weak) persistency: for every optimal LP solution that assigns integer values to some variables, there exists an optimal integer solution in which these variables retain the same values. While the standard LP … Read more

Minimizing Airplane Boarding Time

The time it takes passengers to board an airplane is known to influence the turn-around time of the aircraft and thus bears a significant cost-saving potential for airlines. Although minimizing boarding time therefore is the most important goal from an economic perspective, previous efforts to design efficient boarding strategies apparently never tackled this task directly. … Read more

A Polynomial-time Algorithm with Tight Error Bounds for Single-period Unit Commitment Problem

This paper proposes a Lagrangian dual based polynomial-time approximation algorithm for solving the single-period unit commitment problem, which can be formulated as a mixed integer quadratic programming problem and proven to be NP-hard. Tight theoretical bounds for the absolute errors and relative errors of the approximate solutions generated by the proposed algorithm are provided. Computational … Read more

Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problems with Arbitrary Precedence Graphs

A common assumption in the shop scheduling literature is that the processing order of the operations of each job is sequential; however, in practice there can be multiple connections and finish-to-start dependencies among the operations of each job. This paper studies flexible job shop scheduling problems with arbitrary precedence graphs. Rigorous mixed integer and constraint … Read more