Real-Time Dispatchability of Bulk Power Systems with Volatile Renewable Generations

The limited predictability and high variability of renewable generations has brought significant challenges on the real-time operation of bulk power systems. This paper proposes the concept of real-time dispatchability (RTDA) of power systems with variable energy resources, which focuses on investigating the impact of operating constraints and the cost of corrective actions on the flexibility … Read more

Discrete optimization methods to fit piecewise-affine models to data points

Fitting piecewise affine models to data points is a pervasive task in many scientific disciplines. In this work, we address the k- Piecewise Affine Model Fitting with Pairwise Linear Separability problem (k-PAMF-PLS) where, given a set of real points and the corresponding observations, we have to partition the real domain into k pairwise linearly separable … Read more

Complexity of Minimum Irreducible Infeasible Subsystem Covers for Flow Networks

For an infeasible network flow system with supplies and demands, we consider the problem of finding a minimum irreducible infeasible subsystem cover, i.e., a smallest set of constraints that must be dropped to obtain a feasible system. The special cases of covers which only contain flow balance constraints (node cover) or only flow bounds (arc … Read more

On the closure of the completely positive semidefinite cone and linear approximations to quantum colorings

We investigate structural properties of the completely positive semidefinite cone, consisting of all the nxn symmetric matrices that admit a Gram representation by positive semidefinite matrices of any size. This cone has been introduced to model quantum graph parameters as conic optimization problems. Recently it has also been used to characterize the set Q of … Read more

Separation of Generic Cutting Planes in Branch-and-Price Using a Basis

Dantzig-Wolfe reformulation of a mixed integer program partially convexifies a subset of the constraints, i.e., it implicitly adds all valid inequalities for the associated integer hull. Projecting an optimal basic solution of the reformulation’s LP relaxation to the original space does is in general not yield a basic solution of the original LP relaxation. Cutting … Read more

Six mathematical gems from the history of Distance Geometry

This is a partial account of the fascinating history of Distance Geometry. We make no claim to completeness, but we do promise a dazzling display of beautiful, elementary mathematics. We prove Heron’s formula, Cauchy’s theorem on the rigidity of polyhedra, Cayley’s generalization of Heron’s formula to higher dimensions, Menger’s characterization of abstract semi-metric spaces, a … Read more

On the Quadratic Shortest Path Problem

Finding the shortest path in a directed graph is one of the most important combinatorial optimization problems, having applications in a wide range of fields. In its basic version, however, the problem fails to represent situations in which the value of the objective function is determined not only by the choice of each single arc, … Read more

A Polyhedral Study of Two-Period Relaxations for Big-Bucket Lot-Sizing Problems: Zero Setup Case

In this paper, we investigate the two-period subproblems proposed by Akartunal{\i} et al. (2014) for big-bucket lot-sizing problems, which have shown a great potential for obtaining strong bounds for these problems. In particular, we study the polyhedral structure of the mixed integer sets related to two relaxations of these subproblems for the special case of … Read more

Lower bounding procedure for the Asymmetric Quadratic Traveling Salesman Problem

In this paper we consider the Asymmetric Quadratic Traveling Salesman Problem. Given a directed graph and a function that maps every pair of consecutive arcs to a cost, the problem consists in finding a cycle that visits every vertex exactly once and such that the sum of the costs is minimum. We propose an extended … Read more

On imposing connectivity constraints in integer programs

In many network applications, one searches for a connected subset of vertices that exhibits other desirable properties. To this end, this paper studies the connected subgraph polytope of a graph, which is the convex hull of subsets of vertices that induce a connected subgraph. Much of our work is devoted to the study of two … Read more