Rigorous Error Bounds for the Optimal Value in Semidefinite Programming

A wide variety of problems in global optimization, combinatorial optimization as well as systems and control theory can be solved by using linear and semidefinite programming. Sometimes, due to the use of floating point arithmetic in combination with ill-conditioning and degeneracy, erroneous results may be produced. The purpose of this article is to show how … Read more

Rebalancing an Investment Portfolio in the Presence of Convex Transaction Costs

The inclusion of transaction costs is an essential element of any realistic portfolio optimization. In this paper, we consider an extension of the standard portfolio problem in which convex transaction costs are incurred to rebalance an investment portfolio. In particular, we consider linear, piecewise linear, and quadratic transaction costs. The Markowitz framework of mean-variance efficiency … Read more

On the Minimum Volume Covering Ellipsoid of Ellipsoids

We study the problem of computing a $(1+\eps)$-approximation to the minimum volume covering ellipsoid of a given set $\cS$ of the convex hull of $m$ full-dimensional ellipsoids in $\R^n$. We extend the first-order algorithm of Kumar and \Yildirim~that computes an approximation to the minimum volume covering ellipsoid of a finite set of points in $\R^n$, … Read more

Set Intersection Theorems and Existence of Optimal Solutions

The question of nonemptiness of the intersection of a nested sequence of closed sets is fundamental in a number of important optimization topics, including the existence of optimal solutions, the validity of the minimax inequality in zero sum games, and the absence of a duality gap in constrained optimization. We introduce the new notion of … Read more

Joint minimization with alternating Bregman proximity operators

A systematic study of the proximity properties of Bregman distances is carried out. This investigation leads to the introduction of a new type of proximity operator which complements the usual Bregman proximity operator. We establish key properties of these operators and utilize them to devise a new alternating procedure for solving a broad class of … Read more

Convergence of a hybrid projection-proximal point algorithm coupled with approximation methods in convex optimization

In order to minimize a closed convex function that is approximated by a sequence of better behaved functions, we investigate the global convergence of a generic diagonal hybrid algorithm, which consists of an inexact relaxed proximal point step followed by a suitable orthogonal projection onto a hyperplane. The latter permits to consider a fixed relative … Read more

A New Conjugate Gradient Algorithm Incorporating Adaptive Ellipsoid Preconditioning

The conjugate gradient (CG) algorithm is well-known to have excellent theoretical properties for solving linear systems of equations $Ax = b$ where the $n\times n$ matrix $A$ is symmetric positive definite. However, for extremely ill-conditioned matrices the CG algorithm performs poorly in practice. In this paper, we discuss an adaptive preconditioning procedure which improves the … Read more

Classical Simplex Methods for Linear Programming and Their Developments

This paper presents a new primal dual simplex method and investigates the duality formation implying in classical simplex methods. We reviews classical simplex methods for linear programming problems and give a detail discussion for the relation between modern and classical algorithms. The two modified versions are present. The advantages of the new algorithms are simplicity … Read more

Faster approximation algorithms for packing and covering problems

We adapt a method due to Nesterov so as to obtain an algorithm for solving block-angular fractional packing or covering problems to relative tolerance epsilon, while using a number of iterations that grows polynomially in the size of the problem and whose dependency on epsilon is proportional to 1/epsilon. Citation CORC report TR-2004-09, Computational Optimization … Read more

Steered sequential projections for the inconsistent convex feasibility problem

We study a steered sequential gradient algorithm which minimizes the sum of convex functions by proceeding cyclically in the directions of the negative gradients of the functions and using steered step-sizes. This algorithm is applied to the convex feasibility problem by minimizing a proximity function which measures the sum of the Bregman distances to the … Read more