Block-wise Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers for Multiple-block Convex Programming and Beyond

The alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) is a benchmark for solving a linearly constrained convex minimization model with a two-block separable objective function; and it has been shown that its direct extension to a multiple-block case where the objective function is the sum of more than two functions is not necessarily convergent. For the … Read more

Block stochastic gradient iteration for convex and nonconvex optimization

The stochastic gradient (SG) method can minimize an objective function composed of a large number of differentiable functions, or solve a stochastic optimization problem, to a moderate accuracy. The block coordinate descent/update (BCD) method, on the other hand, handles problems with multiple blocks of variables by updating them one at a time; when the blocks … Read more

Self Equivalence of the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers

The alternating direction method of multipliers (ADM or ADMM) breaks a complex optimization problem into much simpler subproblems. The ADM algorithms are typically short and easy to implement yet exhibit (nearly) state-of-the-art performance for large-scale optimization problems. To apply ADM, we first formulate a given problem into the “ADM-ready” form, so the final algorithm depends … Read more

An improved algorithm for L2-Lp minimization problem

In this paper we consider a class of non-Lipschitz and non-convex minimization problems which generalize the L2−Lp minimization problem. We propose an iterative algorithm that decides the next iteration based on the local convexity/concavity/sparsity of its current position. We show that our algorithm finds an epsilon-KKT point within O(log(1/epsilon)) iterations. The same result is also … Read more

A general inertial proximal point method for mixed variational inequality problem

In this paper, we first propose a general inertial proximal point method for the mixed variational inequality (VI) problem. Based on our knowledge, without stronger assumptions, convergence rate result is not known in the literature for inertial type proximal point methods. Under certain conditions, we are able to establish the global convergence and a $o(1/k)$ … Read more

The Principle of Hamilton for Mechanical Systems with Impacts and Unilateral Constraints

An action integral is presented for Hamiltonian mechanics in canonical form with unilateral constraints and/or impacts. The transition conditions on generalized impulses and the energy are presented as variational inequalities, which are obtained by the application of discontinuous transversality conditions. The energetical behavior for elastic, plastic and blocking type impacts are analyzed. A general impact … Read more

Robust Block Coordinate Descent

In this paper we present a novel randomized block coordinate descent method for the minimization of a convex composite objective function. The method uses (approximate) partial second-order (curvature) information, so that the algorithm performance is more robust when applied to highly nonseparable or ill conditioned problems. We call the method Robust Coordinate Descent (RCD). At … Read more

Beyond the Birkhoff Polytope: Convex Relaxations for Vector Permutation Problems

The Birkhoff polytope (the convex hull of the set of permutation matrices) is frequently invoked in formulating relaxations of optimization problems over permutations. The Birkhoff polytope is represented using Θ(n^2) variables and constraints, significantly more than the n variables one could use to represent a permutation as a vector. Using a recent construction of Goemans … Read more

Hypotheses testing on the optimal values of several risk-neutral or risk-averse convex stochastic programs and application to hypotheses testing on several risk measure values

Given an arbitrary number of risk-averse or risk-neutral convex stochastic programs, we study hypotheses testing problems aiming at comparing the optimal values of these stochastic programs on the basis of samples of the underlying random vectors. We propose non-asymptotic tests based on confidence intervals on the optimal values of the stochastic programs obtained using the … Read more