Necessary optimality conditions in pessimistic bilevel programming

This paper is devoted to the so-called pessimistic version of bilevel programming programs. Minimization problems of this type are challenging to handle partly because the corresponding value functions are often merely upper (while not lower) semicontinuous. Employing advanced tools of variational analysis and generalized differentiation, we provide rather general frameworks ensuring the Lipschitz continuity of … Read more

Metric regularity of the sum of multifunctions and applications

In this work, we use the theory of error bounds to study of metric regularity of the sum of two multifunctions, as well as some important properties of variational systems. We use an approach based on the metric regularity of epigraphical multifunctions. Our results subsume some recent results by Durea and Strugariu Citation XLIM (UMR-CNRS … Read more

About error bounds in metric spaces

The paper presents a general primal space classification scheme of necessary and sufficient criteria for the error bound property incorporating the existing conditions. Several primal space derivative-like objects – slopes – are used to characterize the error bound property of extended-real-valued functions on metric sapces. Citation Published in D. Klatte et al. (eds.), Operations Research … Read more

Some remarks on stability of generalized equations

The paper concerns the computation of the graphical derivative and the regular (Frechet) coderivative of the solution map to a class of generalized equations, where the multi-valued term amounts to the regular normal cone to a (possibly nonconvex) set given by C2 inequalities. Instead of the Linear Independence qualification condition, standardly used in this context, … Read more

Error bounds for vector-valued functions on metric spaces

In this paper, we attempt to extend the definition and existing local error bound criteria to vector-valued functions, or more generally, to functions taking values in a normed linear space. Some new primal space derivative-like objects — slopes — are introduced and a classification scheme of error bound criteria is presented. Citation Published in Vietnam … Read more

Stationarity and regularity of infinite collections of sets

This article investigates extremality, stationarity, and regularity properties of infinite collections of sets in Banach spaces. Our approach strongly relies on the machinery developed for finite collections. When dealing with an infinite collection of sets, we examine the behaviour of its finite subcollections. This allows us to establish certain primal-dual relationships between the stationarity/regularity properties … Read more

Stationarity and regularity of infinite collections of sets. Applications to infinitely constrained optimization

This article continues the investigation of stationarity and regularity properties of infinite collections of sets in a Banach space started in Kruger & L�pez (2012) and is mainly focused on the application of the criteria from Kruger & L�pez (2012) to infinitely constrained optimization problems. We consider several settings of optimization problems which involve (explicitly … Read more

A primal-dual splitting method for convex optimization involving Lipschitzian, proximable and linear composite terms

We propose a new first-order splitting algorithm for solving jointly the primal and dual formulations of large-scale convex minimization problems involving the sum of a smooth function with Lipschitzian gradient, a nonsmooth proximable function, and linear composite functions. This is a full splitting approach in the sense that the gradient and the linear operators involved … Read more

Continuous convex sets and zero duality gap for convex programs

This article uses classical notions of convex analysis over euclidean spaces, like Gale & Klee’s boundary rays and asymptotes of a convex set, or the inner aperture directions defined by Larman and Brøndsted for the same class of sets, to provide a new zero duality gap criterion for ordinary convex programs. On this ground, we … Read more

Zero duality gap for convex programs: a general result

This article addresses a general criterion providing a zero duality gap for convex programs in the setting of the real locally convex spaces. The main theorem of our work is formulated only in terms of the constraints of the program, hence it holds true for any objective function fulfilling a very general qualification condition, implied … Read more