A New Sequential Optimality Condition for Constrained Nonsmooth Optimization

We introduce a sequential optimality condition for locally Lipschitz constrained nonsmooth optimization, verifiable just using derivative information, and which holds even in the absence of any constraint qualification. The proposed sequential optimality condition is not only novel for nonsmooth problems, but brings new insights for the smooth case as well. We present a practical algorithm … Read more

A gradient type algorithm with backward inertial steps for a nonconvex minimization

We investigate an algorithm of gradient type with a backward inertial step in connection with the minimization of a nonconvex differentiable function. We show that the generated sequences converge to a critical point of the objective function, if a regularization of the objective function satis es the Kurdyka-Lojasiewicz property. Further, we provide convergence rates for the … Read more

A new splitting method for monotone inclusions of three operators

In this article, we consider monotone inclusions in real Hilbert spaces and suggest a new splitting method. The associated monotone inclusions consist of the sum of one bounded linear monotone operator and one inverse strongly monotone operator and one maximal monotone operator. The new method, at each iteration, first implements one forward-backward step as usual … Read more

Gradient methods exploiting spectral properties

We propose a new stepsize for the gradient method. It is shown that this new stepsize will converge to the reciprocal of the largest eigenvalue of the Hessian, when Dai-Yang’s asymptotic optimal gradient method (Computational Optimization and Applications, 2006, 33(1): 73-88) is applied for minimizing quadratic objective functions. Based on this spectral property, we develop … Read more

A Unified Framework for Sparse Relaxed Regularized Regression: SR3

Regularized regression problems are ubiquitous in statistical modeling, signal processing, and machine learning. Sparse regression in particular has been instrumental in scientific model discovery, including compressed sensing applications, vari- able selection, and high-dimensional analysis. We propose a broad framework for sparse relaxed regularized regression, called SR3. The key idea is to solve a relaxation of … Read more

Nonmonotonicity and Quasiconvexity on Equilibrium Problems

In this note, some results are introduced considering the assumptions of quasiconvexity and nonmonotonicity, finally an application and an idea to solve the quasiconvex equilibrium problem are presented considering these new results. Article Download View Nonmonotonicity and Quasiconvexity on Equilibrium Problems

Inexact alternating projections on nonconvex sets

Given two arbitrary closed sets in Euclidean space, a simple transversality condition guarantees that the method of alternating projections converges locally, at linear rate, to a point in the intersection. Exact projection onto nonconvex sets is typically intractable, but we show that computationally-cheap inexact projections may suffice instead. In particular, if one set is defined … Read more

Stochastic Primal-Dual Method for Empirical Risk Minimization with O(1) Per-Iteration Complexity

Regularized empirical risk minimization problem with linear predictor appears frequently in machine learning. In this paper, we propose a new stochastic primal-dual method to solve this class of problems. Different from existing methods, our proposed methods only require O(1) operations in each iteration. We also develop a variance-reduction variant of the algorithm that converges linearly. … Read more

An Online-Learning Approach to Inverse Optimization

In this paper, we demonstrate how to learn the objective function of a decision-maker while only observing the problem input data and the decision-maker’s corresponding decisions over multiple rounds. Our approach is based on online learning and works for linear objectives over arbitrary feasible sets for which we have a linear optimization oracle. As such, … Read more

Projective Hedging for Stochastic Programming

We propose a decomposition algorithm for multistage stochastic programming that resembles the progressive hedging method of Rockafellar and Wets, but is provably capable of several forms of asynchronous operation. We derive the method from a class of projective operator splitting methods fairly recently proposed by Combettes and Eckstein, significantly expanding the known applications of those … Read more