The Cyclic Douglas-Rachford Algorithm with r-sets-Douglas-Rachford Operators

The Douglas-Rachford (DR) algorithm is an iterative procedure that uses sequential reflections onto convex sets and which has become popular for convex feasibility problems. In this paper we propose a structural generalization that allows to use r-sets-DR operators in a cyclic fashion. We prove convergence and present numerical illustrations of the potential advantage of such … Read more

Characterizations of Differentiability, Smoothing Techniques and DC Programming with Applications to Image Reconstructions

In this paper, we study characterizations of differentiability for real-valued functions based on generalized differentiation. These characterizations provide the mathematical foundation for Nesterov’s smoothing techniques in infinite dimensions. As an application, we provide a simple approach to image reconstructions based on Nesterov’s smoothing techniques and DC programming that involves the $\ell_1-\ell_2$ regularization. Article Download View … Read more

Efficient Solution of Maximum-Entropy Sampling Problems

We consider a new approach for the maximum-entropy sampling problem (MESP) that is based on bounds obtained by maximizing a function of the form ldet M(x) over linear constraints, where M(x)is linear in the n-vector x. These bounds can be computed very efficiently and are superior to all previously known bounds for MESP on most … Read more

Finite convergence and weak sharpness for solutions of nonsmooth variational inequalities in Hilbert spaces

This paper deals with the study of weak sharp solutions for nonsmooth variational inequalities and finite convergence property of the proximal point method. We present several characterizations for weak sharpness of the solutions set of nonsmooth variational inequalities without using the gap functions. We show that under weak sharpness of the solutions set, the sequence … Read more

A Unified Characterization of Nonlinear Scalarizing Functionals in Optimization

Over the years, several classes of scalarization techniques in optimization have been introduced and employed in deriving separation theorems, optimality conditions and algorithms. In this paper, we study the relationships between some of those classes in the sense of inclusion. We focus on three types of scalarizing functionals (by Hiriart-Urruty, Drummond and Svaiter, Gerstewitz) and … Read more

Stochastic model-based minimization under high-order growth

Given a nonsmooth, nonconvex minimization problem, we consider algorithms that iteratively sample and minimize stochastic convex models of the objective function. Assuming that the one-sided approximation quality and the variation of the models is controlled by a Bregman divergence, we show that the scheme drives a natural stationarity measure to zero at the rate $O(k^{-1/4})$. … Read more

The Standard Pessimistic Bilevel Problem

Pessimistic bilevel optimization problems, as optimistic ones, possess a structure involving three interrelated optimization problems. Moreover, their finite infima are only attained under strong conditions. We address these difficulties within a framework of moderate assumptions and a perturbation approach which allow us to approximate such finite infima arbitrarily well by minimal values of a sequence … Read more

An inexact strategy for the projected gradient algorithm in vector optimization problems on variable ordered spaces

Variable order structures model situations in which the comparison between two points depends on a point-to-cone map. In this paper, an inexact projected gradient method for solving smooth constrained vector optimization problems on variable ordered spaces is presented. It is shown that every accumulation point of the generated sequence satisfies the first order necessary optimality … Read more

The automorphism group and the non-self-duality of p-cones

In this paper, we determine the automorphism group of the p-cones (p\neq 2) in dimension greater than two. In particular, we show that the automorphism group of those p-cones are the positive scalar multiples of the generalized permutation matrices that fix the main axis of the cone. Next, we take a look at a problem … Read more

On positive duality gaps in semidefinite programming

We study semidefinite programs (SDPs) with positive duality gaps, i.e., different optimal values in the primal and dual problems. the primal and dual problems differ. These SDPs are considered extremely pathological, they are often unsolvable, and they also serve as models of more general pathological convex programs. We first fully characterize two variable SDPs with … Read more