The p-cones in dimension n>=3 are not homogeneous when p \neq 2

Using the T-algebra machinery we show that the only strictly convex homogeneous cones in R^n with n >= 3 are the 2-cones, also known as Lorentz cones or second order cones. In particular, this shows that the p-cones are not homogeneous when p is not 2, 1 < p <\infty and n >= 3, thus … Read more

A Limited-Memory Quasi-Newton Algorithm for Bound-Constrained Nonsmooth Optimization

We consider the problem of minimizing a continuous function that may be nonsmooth and nonconvex, subject to bound constraints. We propose an algorithm that uses the L-BFGS quasi-Newton approximation of the problem’s curvature together with a variant of the weak Wolfe line search. The key ingredient of the method is an active-set selection strategy that … Read more

Efficiency of minimizing compositions of convex functions and smooth maps

We consider the problem of minimizing a sum of a convex function and a composition of a convex function with a smooth map. Important examples include exact penalty formulations of nonlinear programs and nonlinear least squares problems with side constraints. The basic algorithm we rely on is the well-known prox-linear method, which in each iteration … Read more

Fixing and extending some recent results on the ADMM algorithm

We first point out several flaws in the recent paper {\it [R. Shefi, M. Teboulle: Rate of convergence analysis of decomposition methods based on the proximal method of multipliers for convex minimization, SIAM J. Optim. 24, 269–297, 2014]} that proposes two ADMM-type algorithms for solving convex optimization problems involving compositions with linear operators and show … Read more

An Algorithm for Nonsmooth Optimization by Successive Piecewise Linearization

We present an optimization method for Lipschitz continuous, piecewise smooth (PS) objective functions based on successive piecewise linearization. Since, in many realistic cases, nondifferentiabilities are caused by the occurrence of abs(), max(), and min(), we concentrate on these nonsmooth elemental functions. The method’s idea is to locate an optimum of a PS objective function by … Read more

Expander Graph and Communication-Efficient Decentralized Optimization

In this paper, we discuss how to design the graph topology to reduce the communication complexity of certain algorithms for decentralized optimization. Our goal is to minimize the total communication needed to achieve a prescribed accuracy. We discover that the so-called expander graphs are near-optimal choices. We propose three approaches to construct expander graphs for … Read more

Optimization Algorithms for Data Analysis

We describe the fundamentals of algorithms for minimizing a smooth nonlinear function, and extensions of these methods to the sum of a smooth function and a convex nonsmooth function. Such objective functions are ubiquitous in data analysis applications, as we illustrate using several examples. We discuss methods that make use of gradient (first-order) information about … Read more

Decentralized Consensus Optimization with Asynchrony and Delays

We propose an asynchronous, decentralized algorithm for consensus optimization. The algorithm runs over a network in which the agents communicate with their neighbors and perform local computation. In the proposed algorithm, each agent can compute and communicate independently at different times, for different durations, with the information it has even if the latest information from … Read more

Global Convergence of ADMM in Nonconvex Nonsmooth Optimization

In this paper, we analyze the convergence of the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) for minimizing a nonconvex and possibly nonsmooth objective function, $\phi(x_0,\ldots,x_p,y)$, subject to coupled linear equality constraints. Our ADMM updates each of the primal variables $x_0,\ldots,x_p,y$, followed by updating the dual variable. We separate the variable $y$ from $x_i$’s as it … Read more