Hilbert’s Nullstellensatz and an Algorithm for Proving Combinatorial Infeasibility

Systems of polynomial equations over an algebraically-closed field K can be used to concisely model many combinatorial problems. In this way, a combinatorial problem is feasible (e.g., a graph is 3-colorable, hamiltonian, etc.) if and only if a related system of polynomial equations has a solution over K. In this paper, we investigate an algorithm … Read more

Polymatroids and Mean-Risk Minimization in Discrete Optimization

In financial markets high levels of risk are associated with large returns as well as large losses, whereas with lower levels of risk, the potential for either return or loss is small. Therefore, risk management is fundamentally concerned with finding an optimal trade-off between risk and return matching an investor’s risk tolerance. Managing risk is … Read more

Lifting for Conic Mixed-Integer Programming

Lifting is a procedure for deriving valid inequalities for mixed-integer sets from valid inequalities for suitable restrictions of those sets. Lifting has been shown to be very effective in developing strong valid inequalities for linear integer programming and it has been successfully used to solve such problems with branch-and-cut algorithms. Here we generalize the theory … Read more

A new, solvable, primal relaxation for nonlinear integer programming problems with linear constraints

This paper describes a new primal relaxation for nonlinear integer programming problems with linear constraints. This relaxation, contrary to the standard Lagrangean relaxation, can be solved efficiently. It requires the solution of a nonlinear penalized problem whose linear constraint set is known only implicitly, but whose solution is made possible by the use of a … Read more

On Test Sets for Nonlinear Integer Maximization

A finite test set for an integer maximization problem enables us to verify whether a feasible point attains the global maximum. We establish in this paper several general results that apply to integer maximization problems with nonlinear objective functions. CitationOperations Research Letters 36 (2008) 439–443ArticleDownload View PDF

Conic Mixed-Integer Rounding Cuts

A conic integer program is an integer programming problem with conic constraints. Many problems in finance, engineering, statistical learning, and probabilistic optimization are modeled using conic constraints. Here we study mixed-integer sets defined by second-order conic constraints. We introduce general-purpose cuts for conic mixed-integer programming based on polyhedral conic substructures of second-order conic sets. These … Read more

A strong conic quadratic reformulation for machine-job assignment with controllable processing times

We describe a polynomial-size conic quadratic reformulation for a machine-job assignment problem with separable convex cost. Because the conic strengthening is based on only the objective of the problem, it can also be applied to other problems with similar cost functions. Computational results demonstrate the effectiveness of the conic reformulation. CitationAppeared in Operations Research Letters. … Read more

MINLP Strengthening for Separable Convex Quadratic Transportation-Cost UFL

In the context of a variation of the standard UFL (Uncapacitated Facility Location) problem, but with an objective function that is a separable convex quadratic function of the transportation costs, we present some techniques for improving relaxations of MINLP formulations. We use a disaggregation principle and a strategy of developing model-specific valid inequalities (some nonlinear), … Read more

A Lifted Linear Programming Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for Mixed Integer Conic Quadratic Programs

This paper develops a linear programming based branch-and-bound algorithm for mixed integer conic quadratic programs. The algorithm is based on a higher dimensional or lifted polyhedral relaxation of conic quadratic constraints introduced by Ben-Tal and Nemirovski. The algorithm is different from other linear programming based branch-and-bound algorithms for mixed integer nonlinear programs in that, it … Read more

Experiments in Robust Portfolio Optimization

We present experimental results on portfolio optimization problems with return errors under the robust optimization framework. We use several a histogram-like model for return deviations, and a model that allows correlation among errors, together with a cutting-plane algorithm which proves effective for large, real-life data sets. CitationColumbia Center for Financial Engineering Report 2007-01 Columbia University, … Read more