Lower bound for the number of iterations in semidefinite hierarchies for the cut polytope

Hierarchies of semidefinite relaxations for $0/1$ polytopes have been constructed by Lasserre (2001a) and by Lov\’asz and Schrijver (1991), permitting to find the cut polytope of a graph on $n$ nodes in $n$ steps. We show that $\left\lceil {n\over 2} \right\rceil$ iterations are needed for finding the cut polytope of the complete graph $K_n$. Citation … Read more

Safe bounds in linear and mixed-integer programming

Current mixed-integer linear programming solvers are based on linear programming routines that use floating point arithmetic. Occasionally, this leads to wrong solutions, even for problems where all coefficients and all solution components are small integers. It is shown how, using directed rounding and interval arithmetic, cheap pre- and postprocessing of the linear programs arising in … Read more

Search and Cut: New Class of Cutting Planes for 0-1 Programming

The basic principle of the cutting plane techniques is to chop away the portions of the solution space of the linear programming relaxation of an integer program that contain no integer solutions. this is true for both Gomory’s cutting planes, and other more recent cuts based on valid inequalities. Obtaining a partial or full description … Read more

Clique Family Inequalities for the Stable Set Polytope of Quasi-Line Graphs

In one of fundamental work in combinatorial optimization Edmonds gave a complete linear description of the matching polytope. Matchings in a graph are equivalent to stable sets its line graph. Also the neighborhood of any vertex in a line graph partitions into two cliques: graphs with this latter property are called quasi-line graphs. Quasi-line graphs … Read more

Mesh Topology Design in Overlay Virtual Private Networks

We study the mesh topology design problem in overlay virtual private networks. Given a set of customer nodes and associated traffic matrix, tunnels that are connecting node pairs through a public service provider network subject to degree constraints are determined so as to minimize total multihopped traffic. Valid inequalities strengthening the LP relaxation and a … Read more

A binary LP model to the facility layout problem

In facility layout problems, a major concern is the optimal design or remodeling of the facilities of an organization. The decision-maker’s objective is to arrange the facility in an optimal way, so that the interaction among functions (i.e. machines, inventories, persons) and places (i.e. offices, work locations, depots) is efficient. A simple pure-binary LP model … Read more

The Sample Average Approximation Method for Stochastic Programs with Integer Recourse

This paper develops a solution strategy for two-stage stochastic programs with integer recourse. The proposed methodology relies on approximating the underlying stochastic program via sampling, and solving the approximate problem via a specialized optimization algorithm. We show that the proposed scheme will produce an optimal solution to the true problem with probability approaching one exponentially … Read more

An explicit equivalent positive semidefinite program for nonlinear 0-1 programs

We consider the general nonlinear optimization problem in 0-1 variables and provide an explicit equivalent positive semidefinite program in $2^n-1$ variables. The optimal values of both problems are identical. From every optimal solution of the former one easily find an optimal solution of the latter and conversely, from every solution of the latter one may … Read more

Pivot, Cut, and Dive: A Heuristic for 0-1 Mixed Integer Programming

We present a heuristic method for general 0-1 mixed integer programming, intended for eventual incorporation into parallel branch-and-bound methods for solving such problems exactly. The core of the heuristic is a rounding method based on simplex pivots, employing only gradient information, for a strictly concave, differentiable merit function measuring integer feasibility. When local minima of … Read more

Lagrangean Duality Applied on Vehicle Routing with Time Windows

This paper presents the results of the application of a non-differentiable optimization method in connection with the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (VRPTW). The VRPTW is an extension of the Vehicle Routing Problem. In the VRPTW the service at each customer must start within an associated time window. The Shortest Path decomposition of the … Read more