DSOS and SDSOS Optimization: More Tractable Alternatives to Sum of Squares and Semidefinite Optimization

In recent years, optimization theory has been greatly impacted by the advent of sum of squares (SOS) optimization. The reliance of this technique on large-scale semidefinite programs however, has limited the scale of problems to which it can be applied. In this paper, we introduce DSOS and SDSOS optimization as linear programming and second-order cone … Read more

Bad semidefinite programs with short proofs, and the closedness of the linear image of the semidefinite cone

Semidefinite programs (SDPs) — some of the most useful and pervasive optimization problems of the last few decades — often behave pathologically: the optimal values of the primal and dual problems may differ and may not be attained. Such SDPs are theoretically interesting and often impossible to solve. Yet, the pathological SDPs in the literature … Read more

Exact augmented Lagrangian functions for nonlinear semidefinite programming

In this paper, we study augmented Lagrangian functions for nonlinear semidefinite programming (NSDP) problems with exactness properties. The term exact is used in the sense that the penalty parameter can be taken appropriately, so a single minimization of the augmented Lagrangian recovers a solution of the original problem. This leads to reformulations of NSDP problems … Read more

Polynomial Norms

In this paper, we study polynomial norms, i.e. norms that are the dth root of a degree-d homogeneous polynomial f. We first show that a necessary and sufficient condition for f^(1/d) to be a norm is for f to be strictly convex, or equivalently, convex and positive definite. Though not all norms come from dth … Read more

The Many Faces of Degeneracy in Conic Optimization

Slater’s condition — existence of a “strictly feasible solution” — is a common assumption in conic optimization. Without strict feasibility, first-order optimality conditions may be meaningless, the dual problem may yield little information about the primal, and small changes in the data may render the problem infeasible. Hence, failure of strict feasibility can negatively impact … Read more

Plea for a semidefinite optimization solver in complex numbers

Numerical optimization in complex numbers has drawn much less attention than in real numbers. A widespread opinion is that, since a complex number is a pair of real numbers, the best strategy to solve a complex optimization problem is to transform it into real numbers and to solve the latter by a real number solver. … Read more


We present a new approach to the design of D-optimal experiments with multivariate polynomial regressions on compact semi-algebraic design spaces. We apply the moment-sum-of-squares hierarchy of semidefinite programming problems to solve numerically and approximately the optimal design problem. The geometry of the design is recovered with semidefinite programming duality theory and the Christoffel polynomial. Article … Read more

Solving sparse polynomial optimization problems with chordal structure using the sparse, bounded-degree sum-of-squares hierarchy

The sparse bounded degree sum-of-squares (sparse-BSOS) hierarchy of Weisser, Lasserre and Toh [arXiv:1607.01151,2016] constructs a sequence of lower bounds for a sparse polynomial optimization problem. Under some assumptions, it is proven by the authors that the sequence converges to the optimal value. In this paper, we modify the hierarchy to deal with problems containing equality … Read more

A semi-analytical approach for the positive semidefinite Procrustes problem

The positive semidefinite Procrustes (PSDP) problem is the following: given rectangular matrices $X$ and $B$, find the symmetric positive semidefinite matrix $A$ that minimizes the Frobenius norm of $AX-B$. No general procedure is known that gives an exact solution. In this paper, we present a semi-analytical approach to solve the PSDP problem. First, we characterize … Read more

Comparison of Lasserre’s measure–based bounds for polynomial optimization to bounds obtained by simulated annealing

We consider the problem of minimizing a continuous function f over a compact set K. We compare the hierarchy of upper bounds proposed by Lasserre in [SIAM J. Optim. 21(3) (2011), pp. 864-885] to bounds that may be obtained from simulated annealing. We show that, when f is a polynomial and K a convex body, … Read more