Sampling Decisions in Optimum Experimental Design in the Light of Pontryagin’s Maximum Principle

Optimum Experimental Design (OED) problems are optimization problems in which an experimental setting and decisions on when to measure – the so-called sampling design – are to be determined such that a follow-up parameter estimation yields accurate results for model parameters. In this paper we use the interpretation of OED as optimal control problems with … Read more

A Matrix-Free Approach For Solving The Gaussian Process Maximum Likelihood Problem

Gaussian processes are the cornerstone of statistical analysis in many application ar- eas. Nevertheless, most of the applications are limited by their need to use the Cholesky factorization in the computation of the likelihood. In this work, we present a matrix-free approach for comput- ing the solution of the maximum likelihood problem involving Gaussian processes. … Read more


In many statistical applications one must solve linear systems corresponding to large, dense, and possibly irregularly structured covariance matrices. These matrices are often ill- conditioned; for example, the condition number increases at least linearly with respect to the size of the matrix when observations of a random process are obtained from a xed domain. This … Read more

A short derivation of the Kuhn-Tucker conditions

The Kuhn-Tucker conditions have been used to derive many significant results in economics. However, thus far, their derivation has been a little bit troublesome. The author directly derives the Kuhn-Tucker conditions by applying a corollary of Farkas’s lemma under the Mangasarian-Fromovitz constraint qualification. Citation Discussion Paper Series A, No. 2011-234, Graduate School of Economics and … Read more

Global Convergence of Radial Basis Function Trust Region Derivative-Free Algorithms

We analyze globally convergent derivative-free trust region algorithms relying on radial basis function interpolation models. Our results extend the recent work of Conn, Scheinberg, and Vicente to fully linear models that have a nonlinear term. We characterize the types of radial basis functions that fit in our analysis and thus show global convergence to first-order … Read more

Parallel Stochastic Gradient Algorithms for Large-Scale Matrix Completion

This paper develops Jellyfish, an algorithm for solving data-processing problems with matrix-valued decision variables regularized to have low rank. Particular examples of problems solvable by Jellyfish include matrix completion problems and least-squares problems regularized by the nuclear norm or the max-norm. Jellyfish implements a projected incremental gradient method with a biased, random ordering of the … Read more

A new look at nonnegativity on closed sets and polynomial optimization

We first show that a continuous function “f” is nonnegative on a closed set K if and only if (countably many) moment matrices of some signed measure dnu = fdmu are all positive semidefinite (if K is compact mu is an arbitrary finite Borel measure with support exactly K). In particular, we obtain a convergent … Read more

Optimal Sensitivity Based on IPOPT

We introduce a flexible, open source implementation that provides the optimal sensitivity of solutions of nonlinear programming (NLP) problems, and is adapted to a fast solver based on a barrier NLP method. The program, called sIPOPT evaluates the sensitivity of the KKT system with respect to model parameters. It is paired with the open-source IPOPT … Read more

Exact Low-rank Matrix Recovery via Nonconvex Mp-Minimization

The low-rank matrix recovery (LMR) arises in many fields such as signal and image processing, statistics, computer vision, system identification and control, and it is NP-hard. It is known that under some restricted isometry property (RIP) conditions we can obtain the exact low-rank matrix solution by solving its convex relaxation, the nuclear norm minimization. In … Read more

An Implementation of an Algorithm for Nonlinear Programming Based on Piecewise Linear Models

This is a progress report on an implementation of the active-set method for nonlinear programming proposed in [6] that employs piecewise linear models in the active-set prediction phase. The motivation for this work is to develop an algorithm that is capable of solving large-scale problems, including those with a large reduced space. Unlike SQP methods, … Read more