On liftings that improve convergence properties of Newton’s Method for Boundary Value Optimization Problems

The representation of a function in a higher-dimensional space is often referred to as lifting. Liftings can be used to reduce complexity. We are interested in the question of how liftings affect the local convergence of Newton’s method. We propose algorithms to construct liftings that potentially reduce the number of iterations via analysis of local … Read more

A Sequential Benders-based Mixed-Integer Quadratic Programming Algorithm

For continuous decision spaces, nonlinear programs (NLPs) can be efficiently solved via sequential quadratic programming (SQP) and, more generally, sequential convex programming (SCP). These algorithms linearize only the nonlinear equality constraints and keep the outer convex structure of the problem intact, such as (conic) inequality constraints or convex objective terms. The aim of the presented … Read more

Refined TSSOS

The moment-sum of squares hierarchy by Lasserre has become an established technique for solving polynomial optimization problems. It provides a monotonically increasing series of tight bounds, but has well-known scalability limitations. For structured optimization problems, the term-sparsity SOS (TSSOS) approach scales much better due to block-diagonal matrices, obtained by completing the connected components of adjacency … Read more

Second-order Partial Outer Convexification for Switched Dynamical Systems

Mixed-integer optimal control problems arise in many practical applications combining nonlinear, dynamic, and combinatorial features. To cope with the resulting complexity, several approaches have been suggested in the past. Some of them rely on solving a reformulated and relaxed control problem, referred to as partial outer convexification. Inspired by an efficient algorithm for switching time … Read more

A Voronoi-Based Mixed-Integer Gauss-Newton Algorithm for MINLP Arising in Optimal Control

We present a new algorithm for addressing nonconvex Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programs (MINLPs) where the cost function is of nonlinear least squares form. We exploit this structure by leveraging a Gauss-Newton quadratic approximation of the original MINLP, leading to the formulation of a Mixed-Integer Quadratic Program (MIQP), which can be solved efficiently. The integer solution of the … Read more

Source Detection on Graphs

Spreading processes on networks (graphs) have become ubiquitous in modern society with prominent examples such as infections, rumors, excitations, contaminations, or disturbances. Finding the source of such processes based on observations is important and difficult. We abstract the problem mathematically as an optimization problem on graphs. For the deterministic setting we make connections to the … Read more

A Gauss-Newton-based Decomposition Algorithm for Nonlinear Mixed-Integer Optimal Control Problems

For the fast approximate solution of Mixed-Integer Non-Linear Programs (MINLPs) arising in the context of Mixed-Integer Optimal Control Problems (MIOCPs) a decomposition algorithm exists that solves a sequence of three comparatively less hard subproblems to determine an approximate MINLP solution. In this work, we propose a problem formulation for the second algorithm stage that is … Read more

A Personalized Switched Systems Approach for the Optimal Control of Ventricular Assist Devices based on Atrioventricular Plane Displacement

Objective: A promising treatment for congestive heart failure is the implementation of a left ventricular assist device (LVAD) that works as a mechanical pump. Modern LVADs work with adjustable constant rotor speed and provide therefore continuous blood flow; however, recently undertaken efforts try to mimic pulsatile blood flow by oscillating the pump speed. This work … Read more

Mathematical Optimization and Machine Learning for Efficient Urban Traffic

Traffic jams cause economical damage which has been estimated between 10 and 100 billion Euros per year in Germany, also due to inefficient urban traffic. It is currently open how the situation will change with upcoming technological advances in autonomous and electric mobility. On the one hand, autonomous cars may lead to an increased number … Read more

A numerical study of transformed mixed-integer optimal control problems

Time transformation is a ubiquitous tool in theoretical sciences, especially in physics. It can also be used to transform switched optimal con trol problems into control problems with a fixed switching order and purely continuous decisions. This approach is known either as enhanced time transformation, time-scaling, or switching time optimization (STO) for mixed-integer optimal control. … Read more