An Active-Set Algorithm for Nonlinear Programming Using Parametric Linear Programming

This paper describes an active-set algorithm for nonlinear programming that solves a parametric linear programming subproblem at each iteration to generate an estimate of the active set. A step is then computed by solving an equality constrained quadratic program based on this active-set estimate. This approach respresents an extension of the standard sequential linear-quadratic programming … Read more

Regularization and Preconditioning of KKT Systems Arising in Nonnegative Least-Squares Problems

A regularized Newton-like method for solving nonnegative least-squares problems is proposed and analysed in this paper. A preconditioner for KKT systems arising in the method is introduced and spectral properties of the preconditioned matrix are analysed. A bound on the condition number of the preconditioned matrix is provided. The bound does not depend on the … Read more

Local convergence for alternating and averaged nonconvex projections

The idea of a finite collection of closed sets having “strongly regular intersection” at a given point is crucial in variational analysis. We show that this central theoretical tool also has striking algorithmic consequences. Specifically, we consider the case of two sets, one of which we assume to be suitably “regular” (special cases being convex … Read more

The Squared Slacks Transformation in Nonlinear Programming

We recall the use of squared slacks used to transform inequality constraints into equalities and several reasons why their introduction may be harmful in many algorithmic frameworks routinely used in nonlinear programming. Numerical examples performed with the sequential quadratic programming method illustrate those reasons. Citation Cahier du GERAD G-2007-62, Aug. 2007 Article Download View The … Read more

Lifting Inequalities: A framework for generating strong cuts in nonlinear programs

In this paper, we propose lifting techniques for generating strong cuts for nonlinear programs that are globally-valid. The theory is geometric and provides intuition into lifting-based cut generation procedures. As a special case, we find short proofs of earlier results on lifting techniques for mixed-integer programs. Using convex extensions, we obtain conditions that allow sequence-independent … Read more

An Inexact Newton Method for Nonconvex Equality Constrained Optimization

We present a matrix-free line search algorithm for large-scale equality constrained optimization that allows for inexact step computations. For strictly convex problems, the method reduces to the inexact sequential quadratic programming approach proposed by Byrd et al. [SIAM J. Optim. 19(1) 351–369, 2008]. For nonconvex problems, the methodology developed in this paper allows for the … Read more

Exploiting separability in large-scale linear support vector machine training

Linear support vector machine training can be represented as a large quadratic program. We present an efficient and numerically stable algorithm for this problem using interior point methods, which requires only O(n) operations per iteration. Through exploiting the separability of the Hessian, we provide a unified approach, from an optimization perspective, to 1-norm classification, 2-norm … Read more


We generalize the Nelder-Mead simplex and LTMADS algorithms and, the frame based methods for function minimization to Riemannian manifolds. Examples are given for functions defined on the special orthogonal Lie group $\mathcal{SO}(n)$ and the Grassmann manifold $\mathcal{G}(n,k)$. Our main examples are applying the generalized LTMADS algorithm to equality constrained optimization problems and, to the Whitney … Read more


We present a general procedure for handling equality constraints in optimization problems that is of particular use in direct search methods. First we will provide the necessary background in differential geometry. In particular, we will see what a Riemannian manifold is, what a tangent space is, how to move over a manifold and how to … Read more


We extend direct search methods to optimization problems that include equality constraints given by Lipschitz functions. The equality constraints are assumed to implicitly define a Lipschitz manifold. Numerically implementing the inverse (implicit) function theorem allows us to define a new problem on the tangent spaces of the manifold. We can then use a direct search … Read more