ARock: an Algorithmic Framework for Asynchronous Parallel Coordinate Updates

We propose ARock, an asynchronous parallel algorithmic framework for finding a fixed point to a nonexpansive operator. In the framework, a set of agents (machines, processors, or cores) update a sequence of randomly selected coordinates of the unknown variable in an asynchronous parallel fashion. As special cases of ARock, novel algorithms for linear systems, convex … Read more

Perprof-py: a Python package for performance profile of mathematical optimization software

A very important part of research in Mathematical Optimization field is to benchmark optimization packages because it is one of the ways to compare solvers. During benchmarking, one usually obtains a large amount of information, like CPU time, number of functions evaluations, number of iterations and much more. This information, if presented as tables, can … Read more

A SQP type method for constrained multiobjective optimization

We propose an SQP type method for constrained nonlinear multiobjective optimization. The proposed algorithm maintains a list of nondominated points that is improved both for spread along the Pareto front and optimality by solving singleobjective constrained optimization problems. Under appropriate differentiability assumptions we discuss convergence to local optimal Pareto points. We provide numerical results for … Read more

A Taxonomy of Constraints in Black-Box Simulation-Based Optimization

The types of constraints encountered in black-box simulation-based optimization problems differ significantly from those addressed in nonlinear programming. We introduce a characterization of constraints to address this situation. We provide formal definitions for several constraint classes and present illustrative examples in the context of the resulting taxonomy. This taxonomy, denoted KARQ, is useful for modeling … Read more

Reoptimization Techniques for MIP Solvers

Recently, there have been many successful applications of optimization algorithms that solve a sequence of quite similar mixed-integer programs (MIPs) as subproblems. Traditionally, each problem in the sequence is solved from scratch. In this paper we consider reoptimization techniques that try to benefit from information obtained by solving previous problems of the sequence. We focus … Read more

What Works Best When? A Systematic Evaluation of Heuristics for Max-Cut and QUBO

Though empirical testing is broadly used to evaluate heuristics, there are shortcomings with how it is often applied in practice. In a systematic review of Max-Cut and Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization (QUBO) heuristics papers, we found only 4% publish source code, only 14% compare heuristics with identical termination criteria, and most experiments are performed with … Read more

JuMP: A modeling language for mathematical optimization

JuMP is an open-source modeling language that allows users to express a wide range of optimization problems (linear, mixed-integer, quadratic, conic-quadratic, semidefinite, and nonlinear) in a high-level, algebraic syntax. JuMP takes advantage of advanced features of the Julia programming language to offer unique functionality while achieving performance on par with commercial modeling tools for standard … Read more

A Multi-Layer Line Search Method to Improve the Initialization of Optimization Algorithms

We introduce a novel metaheuristic methodology to improve the initialization of a given deterministic or stochastic optimization algorithm. Our objective is to improve the performance of the considered algorithm, called core optimization algorithm, by reducing its number of cost function evaluations, by increasing its success rate and by boosting the precision of its results. In … Read more

UFO 2014 – Interactive System for Universal Functional Optimization

This report contains a description of the interactive system for universal functional optimization UFO, version 2014. This version contains interfaces to the MATLAB and SCILAB graphics environments. Citation Research Report V1218-14, Institute of Computer Science, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague 2014. Article Download View UFO 2014 – Interactive System for Universal Functional Optimization

Calibration by Optimization Without Using Derivatives

Applications in engineering frequently require the adjustment of certain parameters. While the mathematical laws that determine these parameters often are well understood, due to time limitations in every day industrial life, it is typically not feasible to derive an explicit computational procedure for adjusting the parameters based on some given measurement data. This paper aims … Read more