Envelope Theorems for Multi-Stage Linear Stochastic Optimization

We propose a method to compute derivatives of multi-stage linear stochastic optimization problems with respect to parameters that influence the problem’s data. Our results are based on classical envelope theorems, and can be used in problems directly solved via their deterministic equivalents as well as in stochastic dual dynamic programming for which the derivatives of … Read more

On the Complexity of Detecting Convexity over a Box

It has recently been shown that the problem of testing global convexity of polynomials of degree four is {strongly} NP-hard, answering an open question of N.Z. Shor. This result is minimal in the degree of the polynomial when global convexity is of concern. In a number of applications however, one is interested in testing convexity … Read more

Interior Point Methods and Preconditioning for PDE-Constrained Optimization Problems Involving Sparsity Terms

PDE-constrained optimization problems with control or state constraints are challenging from an analytical as well as numerical perspective. The combination of these constraints with a sparsity-promoting L1 term within the objective function requires sophisticated optimization methods. We propose the use of an Interior Point scheme applied to a smoothed reformulation of the discretized problem, and … Read more

On Distributionally Robust Chance Constrained Programs with Wasserstein Distance

This paper studies a distributionally robust chance constrained program (DRCCP) with Wasserstein ambiguity set, where the uncertain constraints should be satisfied with a probability at least a given threshold for all the probability distributions of the uncertain parameters within a chosen Wasserstein distance from an empirical distribution. In this work, we investigate equivalent reformulations and … Read more

On the heavy-tail behavior of the distributionally robust newsvendor

Since the seminal work of Scarf (1958) [A min-max solution of an inventory problem, Studies in the Mathematical Theory of Inventory and Production, pages 201-209] on the newsvendor problem with ambiguity in the demand distribution, there has been a growing interest in the study of the distributionally robust newsvendor problem. The optimal order quantity is … Read more

Selection of variables in parallel space decomposition for the mesh adaptive direct search algorithm

The parallel space decomposition of the Mesh Adaptive Direct Search algorithm (PSDMADS proposed in 2008) is an asynchronous parallel method for constrained derivative-free optimization with large number of variables. It uses a simple generic strategy to decompose a problem into smaller dimension subproblems. The present work explores new strategies for selecting subset of variables defining … Read more

Strict Complementarity in MaxCut SDP

The MaxCut SDP is one of the most well-known semidefinite programs, and it has many favorable properties. One of its nicest geometric/duality properties is the fact that the vertices of its feasible region correspond exactly to the cuts of a graph, as proved by Laurent and Poljak in 1995. Recall that a boundary point x … Read more

Solution for short-term hydrothermal scheduling with a logarithmic size MILP formulation

Short-term hydrothermal scheduling (STHS) is a non-convex and non-differentiable optimization problem that is difficult to solve efficiently. One of the most popular strategy is to reformulate the complicated STHS by various linearization techniques that makes the problem easy to solve. However, in this process, a large number of extra continuous variables, binary variables and constraints … Read more

Convergence Rates for Projective Splitting

Projective splitting is a family of methods for solving inclusions involving sums of maximal monotone operators. First introduced by Eckstein and Svaiter in 2008, these methods have enjoyed significant innovation in recent years, becoming one of the most flexible operator splitting frameworks available. While weak convergence of the iterates to a solution has been established, … Read more

A sparse optimization approach for energy-efficient timetabling in metro railway systems

In this paper we propose a sparse optimization approach to maximize the utilization of regenerative energy produced by baking trains for energy-efficient timetabling in metro railway systems. By introducing the cardinality function and the square of the Euclidean norm function as the objective function, the resulting sparse optimization model can characterize the utilization of the … Read more