A multilevel stochastic regularized first-order method with application to training

In this paper, we propose a new multilevel stochastic framework for the solution of optimization problems. The proposed approach uses random regularized first-order models that exploit an available hierarchical description of the problem, being either in the classical variable space or in the function space, meaning that different levels of accuracy for the objective function … Read more

Black-box optimization for the design of a jet plate for impingement cooling

In this work we show how exploiting black-box optimization in the design of a cooling system for a nozzle in a gas turbine. We develop a black-box function that simulates an impingement cooling system starting from a well-known model that correlates the design features of the cooling system with efficiency parameters. We also provide a … Read more

Regularized methods via cubic subspace minimization for nonconvex optimization

The main computational cost per iteration of adaptive cubic regularization methods for solving large-scale nonconvex problems is the computation of the step \(s_k\), which requires an approximate minimizer of the cubic model. We propose a new approach in which this minimizer is sought in a low dimensional subspace that, in contrast to classical approaches, is … Read more

A semidefinite programming approach for the projection onto the cone of negative semidefinite symmetric tensors with applications to solid mechanics

We propose an algorithm for computing the projection of a symmetric second-order tensor onto the cone of negative semidefinite symmetric tensors with respect to the inner product defined by an assigned positive definite symmetric fourth-order tensor C. The projection problem is written as a semidefinite programming problem and an algorithm based on a primal-dual path-following … Read more

An Improved Penalty Algorithm using Model Order Reduction for MIPDECO problems with partial observations

This work addresses optimal control problems governed by a linear time-dependent partial differential equation (PDE) as well as integer constraints on the control. Moreover, partial observations are assumed in the objective function. The resulting problem poses several numerical challenges due to the mixture of combinatorial aspects, induced by integer variables, and large scale linear algebra … Read more

A spectral PALM algorithm for matrix and tensor-train based Dictionary Learning

Dictionary Learning (DL) is one of the leading sparsity promoting techniques in the context of image classification, where the “dictionary” matrix D of images and the sparse matrix X are determined so as to represent a redundant image dataset. The resulting constrained optimization problem is nonconvex and non-smooth, providing several computational challenges for its solution. … Read more

Solving nonlinear systems of equations via spectral residual methods: stepsize selection and applications

Spectral residual methods are derivative-free and low-cost per iteration procedures for solving nonlinear systems of equations. They are generally coupled with a nonmonotone linesearch strategy and compare well with Newton-based methods for large nonlinear systems and sequences of nonlinear systems. The residual vector is used as the search direction and choosing the steplength has a … Read more

Exploiting problem structure in derivative free optimization

A structured version of derivative-free random pattern search optimization algorithms is introduced which is able to exploit coordinate partially separable structure (typically associated with sparsity) often present in unconstrained and bound-constrained optimization problems. This technique improves performance by orders of magnitude and makes it possible to solve large problems that otherwise are totally intractable by … Read more

A relaxed interior point method for low-rank semidefinite programming problems with applications to matrix completion

A new relaxed variant of interior point method for low-rank semidefinite programming problems is proposed in this paper. The method is a step outside of the usual interior point framework. In anticipation to converging to a low-rank primal solution, a special nearly low-rank form of all primal iterates is imposed. To accommodate such a (restrictive) … Read more

Improved Penalty Algorithm for Mixed Integer PDE Constrained Optimization (MIPDECO) Problems

Optimal control problems including partial differential equation (PDE) as well as integer constraints merge the combinatorial difficulties of integer programming and the challenges related to large-scale systems resulting from discretized PDEs. So far, the Branch-and-Bound framework has been the most common solution strategy for such problems. In order to provide an alternative solution approach, especially … Read more