A decentralized framework for the optimal coordination of distributed energy resources

Demand-response aggregators are faced with the challenge of how to best manage numerous and heterogeneous Distributed Energy Resources (DERs). This paper proposes a decentralized methodology for optimal coordination of DERs. The proposed approach is based on Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition and column generation, thus allowing to integrate any type of resource whose operation can be formulated within … Read more

A class of spectral bounds for Max k-cut

In this paper we introduce a new class of bounds for the maximum -cut problem on undirected edge-weighted simple graphs. The bounds involve eigenvalues of the weighted adjacency matrix together with geometrical parameters. They generalize previous results on the maximum (2-)cut problem and we demonstrate that they can strictly improve over other eigenvalue bounds from … Read more

Mixed-Integer PDE-Constrained Optimal Control of Gas Networks

We develop a mixed-integer optimal control model with partial differential equation (PDE) constraints for gas transport networks, designed for controlling extreme state transitions, such as flow reversals. Our model shows how to combine binary compressor controls with PDE flow models. We model the flow of gas using a variant of the Euler equations, which we … Read more

A transformation-based discretization method for solving general semi-infinite optimization problems

Discretization methods are commonly used for solving standard semi-infinite optimization (SIP) problems. The transfer of these methods to the case of general semi-infinite optimization (GSIP) problems is difficult due to the $x$-dependence of the infinite index set. On the other hand, under suitable conditions, a GSIP problem can be transformed into a SIP problem. In … Read more

Dynamic Optimal Contract under Parameter Uncertainty with Risk Averse Agent and Principal

We consider a continuous time Principal-Agent model on a finite time horizon, where we look for the existence of an optimal contract both parties agreed on. Contrary to the main stream, where the principal is modelled as risk-neutral, we assume that both the principal and the agent have exponential utility, and are risk averse with … Read more

Maximum-Entropy Sampling and the Boolean Quadric Polytope

We consider a bound for the maximum-entropy sampling problem (MESP) that is based on solving a max-det problem over a relaxation of the Boolean Quadric Polytope (BQP). This approach to MESP was first suggested by Christoph Helmberg over 15 years ago, but has apparently never been further elaborated or computationally investigated. We find that the … Read more

A projection algorithm based on KKT conditions for convex quadratic semidefinite programming with nonnegative constraints

The dual form of convex quadratic semidefinite programming (CQSDP) problem, with nonnegative constraints, is a 4-block separable convex optimization problem. It is known that,the directly extended 4-block alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM4d) is very efficient to solve the dual, but its convergence is not guaranteed. In this paper, we reformulate the dual as a … Read more

Conflict Driven Diving for Mixed Integer Programming

The analysis of infeasibility plays an important role in solving satisfiability problems (SAT) and mixed integer programs (MIPs). In mixed integer programming, this procedure is called conflict analysis. So far, modern MIP solvers use conflict analysis only for propagation and improving the dual bound, i.e., fathoming nodes that cannot contain feasible solutions. In this short … Read more

Long-Step Path-Following Algorithm for Solving Symmetric Programming Problems with Nonlinear Objective Functions

We describe a long-step path-following algorithm for a class of symmetric programming problems with nonlinear convex objective functions. The complexity estimates similar to the case of a linear-quadratic objective function are established. The results of numerical experiments for the class of optimization problems involving quantum entropy are presented. Citation Preprint, University of Notre Dame, December … Read more

Granularity in nonlinear mixed-integer optimization

We study a deterministic technique to check the existence of feasible points for mixed-integer nonlinear optimization problems which satisfy a structural requirement that we call granularity. We show that solving certain purely continuous optimization problems and rounding their optimal points leads to feasible points of the original mixed-integer problem, as long as the latter is … Read more