Proximity results in convex mixed-integer programming

We study proximity (resp. integrality gap), that is, the distance (resp. difference) between the optimal solutions (resp. optimal values) of convex integer programs (IP) and the optimal solutions (resp. optimal values) of their continuous relaxations. We show that these values can be upper bounded in terms of the recession cone of the feasible region of … Read more

Generator Subadditive Functions for Mixed-Integer Programs

For equality-constrained linear mixed-integer programs (MIP) defined by rational data, it is known that the subadditive dual is a strong dual and that there exists an optimal solution of a particular form, termed generator subadditive function. Motivated by these results, we explore the connection between Lagrangian duality, subadditive duality and generator subadditive functions for general … Read more

A semi-smooth Newton method for general projection equations applied to the nearest correlation matrix problem

In this paper, we extend and investigate the properties of the semi-smooth Newton method when applied to a general projection equation in finite dimensional spaces. We first present results concerning Clarke’s generalized Jacobian of the projection onto a closed and convex cone. We then describe the iterative process for the general cone case and establish … Read more

A minimal face constant rank constraint qualification for reducible conic programming

In a previous paper [R. Andreani, G. Haeser, L. M. Mito, H. Ramírez, T. P. Silveira. First- and second-order optimality conditions for second-order cone and semidefinite programming under a constant rank condition. Mathematical Programming, 2023. DOI: 10.1007/s10107-023-01942-8] we introduced a constant rank constraint qualification for nonlinear semidefinite and second-order cone programming by considering all faces … Read more

Distributionally Robust Inventory Management with Advance Purchase Contracts

Motivated by the worldwide Covid-19 vaccine procurement, we study an inventory problem with an advance purchase contract which requires all ordering decisions to be committed at once. In reality, not only the demand is uncertain, but its distribution can also be ambiguous. Hence, we assume that only the mean and the variance are known and … Read more