Some Results on the Strength of Relaxations of Multilinear Functions

We study approaches for obtaining convex relaxations of global optimization problems containing multilinear functions. Specifically, we compare the concave and convex envelopes of these functions with the relaxations that are obtained with a standard relaxation approach, due to McCormick. The standard approach reformulates the problem to contain only bilinear terms and then relaxes each term … Read more

Euclidean Distance Matrix Completion Problems

A Euclidean distance matrix is one in which the $(i,j)$ entry specifies the squared distance between particle $i$ and particle $j$. Given a partially-specified symmetric matrix $A$ with zero diagonal, the Euclidean distance matrix completion problem (EDMCP) is to determine the unspecified entries to make $A$ a Euclidean distance matrix. We survey three different approaches … Read more

Separation and Relaxation for cones of quadratic forms

Let P be a pointed, polyhedral cone in R_n. In this paper, we study the cone C = cone{xx^T: x \in P} of quadratic forms. Understanding the structure of C is important for globally solving NP-hard quadratic programs over P. We establish key characteristics of C and construct a separation algorithm for C provided one … Read more

Optimizing radial basis functions by D.C. programming and its use in direct search for global derivative-free optimization

In this paper we address the global optimization of functions subject to bound and linear constraints without using derivatives of the objective function. We investigate the use of derivative-free models based on radial basis functions (RBFs) in the search step of direct-search methods of directional type. We also study the application of algorithms based on … Read more

Machine Learning for Global Optimization

In this paper we introduce the LeGO (Learning for Global Optimization) approach for global optimization in which machine learning is used to predict the outcome of a computationally expensive global optimization run, based upon a suitable training performed by standard runs of the same global optimization method. We propose to use a Support Vector Machine … Read more

Old Wine in a New Bottle: The MILP Road to MIQCP

This paper surveys results on the NP-hard mixed-integer quadratically constrained programming problem. The focus is strong convex relaxations and valid inequalities, which can become the basis of efficient global techniques. In particular, we discuss relaxations and inequalities arising from the algebraic description of the problem as well as from dynamic procedures based on disjunctive programming. … Read more

An algorithmic framework for MINLP with separable non-convexity

Global optimization algorithms, e.g., spatial branch-and-bound approaches like those implemented in codes such as BARON and COUENNE, have had substantial success in tackling complicated, but generally small scale, non-convex MINLPs (i.e., mixed-integer nonlinear programs having non-convex continuous relaxations). Because they are aimed at a rather general class of problems, the possibility remains that larger instances … Read more

On convex relaxations of quadrilinear terms

The best known method to find exact or at least epsilon-approximate solutions to polynomial programming problems is the spatial Branch-and-Bound algorithm, which rests on computing lower bounds to the value of the objective function to be minimized on each region that it explores. These lower bounds are often computed by solving convex relaxations of the … Read more

Continuous GRASP with a local active-set method for bound-constrained global optimization

Global optimization seeks a minimum or maximum of a multimodal function over a discrete or continuous domain. In this paper, we propose a hybrid heuristic – based on the CGRASP and GENCAN methods – for finding approximate solutions for continuous global optimization problems subject to box constraints. Experimental results illustrate the relative effectiveness of CGRASP-GENCAN … Read more

Provably Near-Optimal Solutions for Very Large Single-Row Facility Layout Problems

The facility layout problem is a global optimization problem that seeks to arrange a given number of rectangular facilities so as to minimize the total cost associated with the (known or projected) interactions between them. This paper is concerned with the single-row facility layout problem (SRFLP), the one-dimensional version of facility layout that is also … Read more