Superiorization: The asymmetric roles of feasibility-seeking and objective function reduction

The superiorization methodology can be thought of as lying conceptually between feasibility-seeking and constrained minimization. It is not trying to solve the full-fledged constrained minimization problem composed from the modeling constraints and the chosen objective function. Rather, the task is to find a feasible point which is “superior” (in a well-defined manner) with respect to … Read more

Data-compatibility of algorithms

The data-compatibility approach to constrained optimization, proposed here, strives to a point that is “close enough” to the solution set and whose target function value is “close enough” to the constrained minimum value. These notions can replace analysis of asymptotic convergence to a solution point of infinite sequences generated by specific algorithms. We consider a … Read more

The implicit convex feasibility problem and its application to adaptive image denoising

The implicit convex feasibility problem attempts to find a point in the intersection of a finite family of convex sets, some of which are not explicitly determined but may vary. We develop simultaneous and sequential projection methods capable of handling such problems and demonstrate their applicability to image denoising in a specific medical imaging situation. … Read more

Projected subgradient minimization versus superiorization

The projected subgradient method for constrained minimization repeatedly interlaces subgradient steps for the objective function with projections onto the feasible region, which is the intersection of closed and convex constraints sets, to regain feasibility. The latter poses a computational difficulty and, therefore, the projected subgradient method is applicable only when the feasible region is “simple … Read more

Iterative algorithms with seminorm-induced oblique projections

A definition of oblique projections onto closed convex sets that use seminorms induced by diagonal matrices which may have zeros on the diagonal is introduced. Existence and uniqueness of such projections are secured via directional affinity of the sets with respect to the diagonal matrices involved. A block-iterative algorithmic scheme for solving the convex feasibility … Read more

A Dynamic Large-Update Primal-Dual Interior-Point Method for Linear Optimization

Primal-dual interior-point methods (IPMs) have shown their power in solving large classes of optimization problems. However, at present there is still a gap between the practical behavior of these algorithms and their theoretical worst-case complexity results, with respect to the strategies of updating the duality gap parameter in the algorithm. The so-called small-update IPMs enjoy … Read more